The Lake

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I woke up to the sound of my cage opening. "Come" Leo demanded. I rolled around to look at him. He was holding his hand out. I mumbled and stepped onto his hand. I was extremely exhausted. Leo gently put me on his shoulder and exited out of the cave. The bright sun hurt my eyes. It was then I realized I have been in a cave for three days. Wow.
"Where are we going?". "You'll see". I closed my eyes, listening to the birds chirp and the leaves rustling in the wind. It's so peaceful here, so quiet. And safe, in a way. Leo is a giant, and that is a lot of protection. If I were in danger, he would come to my rescue. Right? About a minute later I started to get very curious. With any warning, we were falling. And I screamed so loud I think the villagers could hear me. Next thing I know, I'm under water. When I swam up, Leo was there laughing. "You should have seen your face! You were screaming like crazy!". He continued to laugh and that only made me angry. "That isn't funny! What if I didn't know how to swim!? I'd be dead!". He looked at me with laughter in his eyes. "Well I know how to, thats all you need to worry about" he said. Does that mean he would save me? Hmmm, probably not. Leo walked out of the lake and started to take his shirt off, making me blush like mad. "Hey!" I shouted "what are you doing!?". He turned to me and cocked an eyebrow. "Bathing". "Well were I'm from, men don't bathe with ladies". "Well then you can bathe behind that rock". "Fine". I started to swim towards the big rock. The water is really deep, probably deep enough that it would come up to Leo's torso. Strange. I took off my clothes and threw them on the rock. My hair needed to be washed really bad, so this was nice. The water was so blue and beautiful. Suddenly, I felt something grab my ankle. "Um, Leo..." I had to time to scream, the creature pulled me down so quickly. I kicked with all my might but the thing wouldn't stop. I couldn't see. I couldn't breathe. This is it. I started to blackout until there was nothing but darkness.

I started to get consciousness, opening my eyes slightly. Leo was there above me, bright light behind him. "Is this heaven?". His worried expression faltered. "No, thanks to me, are you alright?". "Yes, What was that thing?". "A damn water nymph" he replied, his face filled with annoyance. "Oh, and your clothes are still on the rock". Oh. My. God. I'm naked, and he is too. "Don't look at me!" I screamed. His face grew red. "Well I had to to save you!" He yelled. "I don't care just look away!". I looked away from him too and felt my clothes crash down on me. Quickly, I got dressed. When I looked up, he was too. He put me and his shoulder and we went home.

Mini time skip, it's night now.

I was slowly starting to fall asleep when I remembered Leo, shirtless above me with the sun beaming behind him. I felt a little ashamed to admit how handsome he is. "Leo?". "Yes?". "Is it impossible for a human to become friends with a giant?". "Of course not". "Well is it possible for a giant and a human to fall in love?". He paused for a while. "Why do you ask?". "I don't know". "Well, it's possible". "Well have you ever fallen in love?" I asked. "I'm undecided". "What does that mean?". "Good night, Delilah". I gave up. "Good night Leo".

(Alright, call me crazy but why does that remind me of this?😂)

Lol, hope you like the story so far. Have a nice day 😁

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2019 ⏰

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