9- Saturday

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"Love is the hardest habit to break and the most difficult to satisfy." ~ Drew Barrymore.


Waking up in the mornings are the absolute worst. There is nothing more comfortable than being in bed, wrapped in my favorite blanket and enjoying the peaceful environment. I manage to crawl out of bed and get my room in order before rushing to the kitchen attempting to suit the sound that my belly constantly make.

"Good morning dear." My mom says as I step in the kitchen.

"Morning mom." I say, pouring my self a cup of coffee.

I sat at the island when flashes of last night resurface on my mind. It actually happened didn't it? Ethan and I actually kissed!

"Are you okay Lizzie?" My mom says, breaking me out of my moment of reminiscing.

"I'm fine." And with that I took up my cereal and head to my room.

I quickly ate then went straight to the bathroom to take a shower. As the water flows on my body, memories of the night Ethan and I spent runs through my head. It's crazy how the simplest thing reminds me of him.

After drying myself, I search for a suit of clothes that's convenient for the occasion. I settled with a black blouse that hugs my body and shorts with my flip flap slippers. I pack all the necessities that I would need when I hear my phone ringing.

"Jake and I are parked outside, u ready?" Emily asks from the end of the line.

"Yes. I'm gonna head out now."

I quickly check if I had everything once again, before heading downstairs.

"Mom I'm going to the beach with Emily and Jake" I say while going through the door.

"O-Kay, have fu-n sweetie" my mom mumbles. It's weird how she sounds like she's having intercourse?but I wipe the thought from my mind remembering the scaring sight that I witnessed last night.

"Hey guys, you both look nice"

"You too Liz." They both respond at the same time.

The drive to the beach was filled with so much laughter and fun. Emily turned up the music in the car as we sing along to the country artists.

"How am I supposed to liveeee without youuuu. Now that I've been loving you so longgg." Jake sings, pointing her hand towards Emily and we both laugh at her gesture.

"We're here!" Emily shouts excitedly jumping on Jake, making they both fall down in laughter. We change in our swim suits then race in the water.

Emily and I splashes water on each other and boost Jake while he swims further and further out in the sea.

"I'm glad we came." Emily says, swirling her hand in the water. I look around at all the people having fun when I realize Jake was no where in sight.

"Where's Jake?" I say, making us scan the water, but there is no sight of him.

"JAKE! JAKE! JAKEEE!" She shouts, the sound of worry and concern evident in her voice.

"Oh my gosh Lizzie, he...he did not swim... back ou..out to sho-re." Emily says, panting and mumbling over every word she speaks.

"JAKEEE!" She shouts, each shout increasing as the second goes by.

Our shouts got louder and still no sign of Jake. I would be lying if I said I'm panicking at this moment, but I am trying to be strong for Emily.

Couple seconds after we felt a hand holding on to our feet under the water. We both scream when we realize Jake swimming to the surface frightening us.

"Jake, how could you!? Why would you do that? I thought...I thoug-ht..."

"I'm sorry babe. I was testing out how long I can hold my breathe." He says, Emily still shaking from the fear of losing Jake.

"I'm okay, come here" Jake says bringing Emily into a hug and trying to offer her some form of comfort.

I look over on the other side of the beach and to my surprise, there I saw Ethan, Regina, Luke along with some more of his friends that I couldn't recognize. I watch as Ethan ran after Regina, lifts her by her torso and place a kiss on her lips.

The rest of his friends giggle and make out with their partners whom they went with. My heart broke in a million pieces. How could he? He looks over to my direction and I turn away hurt from what I just witness.

"Jake and I are going back to the car, u coming?" Emily asks and I shook my head.

"I'll be there in a few."

I just need time to myself to let out all that I am feeling. I found a peaceful spot under a tree, where I sat and thought about Ethan. My heart breaks at every memory of him, as tears whelms up in my eyes. I hear somebody approaching from behind me and I look around to see Ethan standing behind me.

He is wearing a Calvin Klein bokers that exposes more than it should, his hair is dripping droplets of water and his packs pierces perfectly out of his belly.


Hey!? Is he serious right now? Hey!?

"I know you saw what happened between me and Regina but I promise you that we are over." Is he serious right now? We are over?

"Really, you are over? It never seemed that way when you had your tongue down her throat" I snap, making him focus his attention on me.

"Elizabeth look, I-...."

"No Ethan you listen. I spent all my school years resenting you because of how you treat others, but for the last couple of days I thought that you had some good in you but I was completely wrong. I made myself fall for you and I thought that you could actually want me, but...but I was kidding myself. I'm way out of your league. I'm never gonna be the hot cheerleader girl that wears her clothes too high, or wear the highest silhouettes. So just let us stop right here, right now!"

And with that I walk away, not stopping until I met up back with Emily and Jake.

"Hey guys, you ready?" I say, eager to leave this place.

"Yeah, we were waiting for you." Emily respond, as we all got in the car.

The drive home is disturbingly quiet. Jake and Emily are still tense from what happened earlier and all I can think about for the whole journey is the sight of Ethan and Regina kissing. How could I be so stupid? I thought that he had feelings for me, but seeing him with Regina makes me realize that I'm just another girl that he gets his way with. I sigh, and push him at the back of my thought when I realize that I'm home.

"Thanks for the ride Em" I say to her, wave at Jake then make towards the asphalt walkway.

"I wasn't expecting you so soon." Mom says, as I close the door behind me. "Dinner is in the fridge"

"I'm not hungry."

I went straight to my room, took a long shower and dress myself in comfortable clothes. I sigh and lie in bed when I hear my bing, signifying that I received a message.

Ethan: Can we talk?

Me: there's nothing to talk about.

Ethan: give me a chance to explain.

Me: you already said enough. Gn.

Ethan: forgive me, Elizabeth.

I sigh then went straight to bed.

***I know that I took a longgg time to update😓 but I've been busy trying to balance college and my normal life duties. I promise things will get better.

Stick around to see what's next. Don't forget to vote and comment!
Thanks for the patience and support. Love you all. 😘***

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