Chapter 1

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I am sitting on the beach digging my feet into the sand, getting it stuck between my toes, the sun is glaring into my face, but a shadow had cast upon me, I look up and see him, with a beautiful smile upon his face. He grabbed my hand and lifted me out of the sand, he tickled me, and ran.

“Lennnnnn!” I shouted while laughing, I try catch up to him, my hair blowing behind me, his heading towards the ocean, but he has stopped, turned around and has opened his arms up into the air. I jumped on him, as he twirled me around and we fell into the water kissing.

My legs are wrapped around him and his carrying me out further into the ocean, but he knows I haven’t got much time left before my father will want me back home. He looked me in the eyes, and said “I love you” I jumped out of his arms and told him I had to go or my father will get angry and not let me out again with him, but the real reason is, I can’t look into his eyes without feeling guilty for what I did to him last night, I have been with him for 6 months now but last night I got drunk and I kissed his identical twin brother John, thinking it was Len. I don’t know how to tell him, because I don’t know how he will react, our relationship is going to good and I don’t want to stuff it up now. His ‘the one’, I know it, so I can’t afford to lose him over my drunken mistakes.

I rushed out of his touch back towards land but he caught up and grabbed my arm and so I turned around, “You’re not due back for another half an hour” he stated, I panicked and told him there might be traffic. He knew there wasn’t and now knows, something up, so I turned back and continued walking back to the sand but he catched up to me again, grabbing my arm, “What’s wrong?” he asked, “nothing” I said while looking down into the water, he bent down trying to see my face, so I looked into his eyes and saw how innocent and loving he was, saw right down into his soul and I fell on to him, just saying sorry over and over again. “What for Rebekah?” he asked, his confused, “ Last night at Nick’s 19th, in the club, I looked over and thought I saw you at the bar, so I went over and kissed you, but it was your brother John....” I confessed, “You kissed my brother?” He asked, still confused, “Yes, I am sorry! It was late, I was drunk and I thought it was you!” I said, nervously waiting for his reaction, but he laughed and told me he understood and it felt like an elephant was just lifted off of my shoulders and I can breathe again. “I love you” I replied, we kissed, I bit his lip and he smiled then I splashed him with water and he giggled and grabbed me around the waist spinning me around, dropping me into the water.  We eventually stopped playing around as the half an hour past and I got my stuff from where I was sitting on the sand and he took me back to my father’s house.

“Thanks for taking me home” I said smiling, “it’s okay, I will see you tomorrow right?” he replied, with a cheeky smile, we have school tomorrow, we are in year 12 and nearly out of this jail known as Hunters Hill High School. “I have to go, my essay is due tomorrow” I answered, we kissed goodbye then I went inside.

I didn’t last long before I wanted to call him, It had been about 5 hours since I had seen him, I am laying in bed as its 10pm and should go to sleep if I want to wake up on time tomorrow morning, but I want to hear his voice. I was about to call before I heard tapping on the window, I lived in a double story house and my parents room is down stairs and mine in upstairs. I was scared to go near the window but then I got out of bed and peaked through the curtain, it was Len, I opened the curtains, opened the window and he stepped inside trying to make as less noise as possible.

“What are you doing here? I asked, even though I am not overly unhappy he is, I just hope my father is asleep, “I need to talk to you... ” He said so seriously, I am scared, what if he dumps me or tells me he is moving to another city, he didn’t looks happy either, it must not be a positive thing. “Yes...” I said nervously, eager to hear what he need to tell me, “I love you” he laughed, I laughed with him, I lightly pushed his shoulder “ you scared me!” I said, still laughing, “I was heading home from Samson’s house, I went there to play some games he just got, so I thought I would come see you as I was in the neighbourhood, we got carried away and lost track of time, I know it’s late, sorry” he told me, “No it’s fine” I said smiling.

We just talked about school and about how much homework we are getting, he was about to head off back home then he hugged me, it wasn’t like our other hugs, it was a long hug, felt like forever, we were so tight up against each other, I could feel his heart beat, my heads next to his, ear to ear and my right foot is between his. I lift my head back and just looked into his eyes, and slowly leaned forward, our lips touched and we kissed, not just our normal kiss, it was slow, it gave me butterflies in my stomach, I then put my head back next to his and then he kissed my neck, I stepped back taking grab of his hands and lead him to my bed. “Stay with me” I said, I could see in his eyes it was risky, if my father or mother caught us I would never be able to see him again, but he did, he called his mum and told her he was crashing at Samson’s, so she knew he wasn’t coming home and then set a alarm for 5am so he could get out of here before my parents woke up. He took off his shoes and got under the blankets, I snuggled up laying in his arms looking into his chest as his chin rested on my forehead I looked up and we kissed then I returned back to looking down, I fell asleep in his arms.

The alarm went off, I heard it and awoken but didn’t have the energy to open my eyes, he didn’t sound so energized himself but he knew he had to leave he has sat up and has been sitting up for about 5 minutes now, he must be trying to get as awake as possible before he has to climb down the big tree next to my window and run home. I still haven’t opened my eyes, I am not a morning person so really can’t be bothered at all right now, he got out of the bed, put his shoes back on and kissed me on the cheek bye and I fell back to sleep.

I woke up 2 hours later, turned to my side and opened my eyes to see in front of me a frame of me and my bestfriend that has been away on his tour for nearly a year with small breaks, Julian. I miss him more than anything, everyday....

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