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Kyleigh was jamming out to some music when a loud bang came from the living room. "What the fuck was that?" she said. She went to the living room to see what the noise was. When she saw who was there she freaked. "Alexander freaking Hamilton! What are you doing in my house? Aren't you dead? You died like 200 years ago. How did you ge-" "Woah stop rambling now. Can I ask you some questions?" he said. "That was a question but sure." "Ok um where am I? Who are you? How do you know who I am? Also where am I?" "Well you already asked that last question, but you are for some reason at my house, I am Kyleigh, there is a whole musical on your life, and then I already answered the last question." "Sorry for another question, but, um why are you in your undergarments?" he asked blushing a little. "These aren't my undergarments, just to let you know it's 2019 and what I'm wearing is perfectly normal." "2019?! I was just fighting in the war in 1781! How did I get here?!" "I have no idea, but I'm happy you are. What if someone else showed up as well!" At that moment they heard a crash.

Kyleigh thought it came from the bathroom, so she went and checked there. She got to the bathroom and saw Aaron Burr and the revolutionary set. Hercules saw Kyleigh and said "Hey baby who are you?" "I wouldn't be talking like that horse fucker." she retorted.
Lafayette chuckled and John said "Jeez Herc is that why we couldn't find you yesterday in the tent?" "No! I've never fucked a horse!" Herc said embarrassed. "That's not what you say in Aaron Burr, Sir." Kyleigh said. "Why did you say my name?" Aaron asked her. "Oh, well I'll tell you once you get out of the bathroom."

When they all got back into the living room, they say Alex and got happy except for Aaron. Then they heard another crash. Kyleigh told them to stay there and she'll see what the noise was. She got to where she heard the crash and Washington, Madison, and the cocky piece of magenta. "Hello, so you guys are probably confused on where you are, but I will explain everything in a little. So just follow me." Kyleigh said. They all followed her.

They got to the living room to see more people. They saw the Schuyler Sisters, King George, Samuel Seabury, Charles Lee, and everyone else that was there before.

"Ok so everyone sit down and I'll explain everything." Kyleigh said. Everyone sat down and Kyleigh explained everything.

"So your saying that the year is 2019,we are in Florida, what your wearing is perfectly normal, and there is a musical about Hamilton?" Thomas asked. "Yes that's what I'm saying." "Wait can we see this musical about Alex?" John asked her. "Uh I don't have any money, well except from a 10 dollar bill, which I'm not giving up since it's got the ten dollar founding father without a father on it?" she said. "Why did you say it like that? Also what's a 10 dollar and what is on it?" A-a-ron asked. "I said like that cuz I wanted to and this a 10 dollar bill and it's got Alex on it." she explained. "Am I on any money?" Thomas asked desperately. "Yeah your on the 2 dollar bill, which is less than Alex if you can't tell." Alex laughed at Thomas' expression. "Don't laugh at him Alexander," Eliza said "now Kyleigh I'm sure the universe might give you some tickets. I mean the universe did bring us here, so there must be a reason to why." "That's true." and with Kyleigh saying that many tickets to a private viewing appeared in her hand.

"There is a ticket for everyone, but there's also an extra ticket." She said confused about the extra ticket. "Why is there another ticket?" John asked. "Oh I realize why there's another ticket. Well folks we will be getting one more person soon." she said. Philip appeared in the room right after Kyleigh said that.

Philip looked around the room and recognized some people, but the only people that actually mattered were his parents. "Pa and mom where am I?" he asked Alexander and Eliza. Everyone was confused who he was talking to, because they've never seen him before. "Eliza and Alex he's talking to you." Kyleigh told them. "Who are you?" Alex asked Philip. "I'm your son, how do you not remember me?" Philip asked sadly. Eliza went into mom mode when he said that even though she doesn't know him now. "Come here." she told Philip. Alex, Eliza, and Philip started to talk together, they asked many questions about things.

After awhile of letting them catch up Kyleigh excitedly said to them " Let's go watch Hamilton!"

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