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Hunger pains,
On an empty stomach,
Diet pills and skinny pop,
Will I ever be enough,
Let me breathe,
Be light as a feather,
Let me fade and wither.
Someone once told me,
That happiness was a choice,
And I let them drown my voice,
With shitty Instagram posts,
And body positivity quotes,
I let the world tell me ,
That I didn't deserve to be happy,
Unless I was skinny.
Hunger pains,
Quickly turned into rage,
The war against my body,
Turned into more than just a hobby,
Because I only felt numb,
When I was hungry.
Hunger fought over the depression,
The pain,
The voices in my head.
Calories drive me mad,
Chocolate peppermints,
Soda pop and self loathing,
Cake and salty chips,
Fix me
Make me whole,
We only want what we can't have.
But it's not exactly normal,
To memorize the calories of a single skittle,
Maybe I need help.
But only if I drop ten more pounds.
Maybe this poem was a bit too loud.
Maybe I'm a bit to proud.
I wear my pain like a bloody crown,
But maybe I'm fine.
So I'll leave you all with a single lie,
Sweet dreams of a world without calories.
Sweet dreams to a thinner happier

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