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Requested by Duncneyislyfe

Courtney and Duncan had a pet raccoon together named Brittany between Action and World Tour. In the Celebrity Manhunt special, it is shown how far their relationship went and how it went down. There was like a separation, and they sued each other. Courtney won custody of Brittany.

Multiple questions arise from this. How ridiculous was it that Duncan and Courtney's relationship was treated like a marriage and divorce case? What was up with that?

What were the custody rights of Courtney and Duncan? Did they both get to see Brittany? Did Duncan have weekends? Also, Duncan doesn't even like Brittany, so????

Do we really care that much? Who gets pets together when you're not even an adult or graduate of high school? They were literally like 17 years old.

I don't know. Give your thoughts, guys.

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