New beginings

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Bryson and Kendra POV

Me and Bryson have been together since high school and we've been inseparable since

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Me and Bryson have been together since high school and we've been inseparable since. That's really my baby yeah we've had bad shit happen in the past but we got over that I really can say I see myself living the rest of my life with him that's really my Soulmate. We're on our way to our new house in Kingsville, Colorado(fake ass name) We previously purchased the house but we needed to wait for them to fix it up and refurnish it, I can honestly say I will miss our old house and friends but it's time for me and Bryson to go off and focus on Me and Bryson💕 I have no problems with his babymother whatsoever we're cool over here.
Me and Kendra arrived at the house and it looked breathtaking

And trust me Ian even no breathtaking saying nigga but Kendra got me on that soft shit I swear I'm always in my feelings and Kendra reminds me of that everyday I'm honestly so lucky I've got her well she's lucky she got me

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And trust me Ian even no breathtaking saying nigga but Kendra got me on that soft shit I swear I'm always in my feelings and Kendra reminds me of that everyday I'm honestly so lucky I've got her well she's lucky she got me.... whatever same thing right? Anyways we get in the house and the first place Kendra goes is the kitchen I'll be wrong if I call her a fatass tho anyways Kendra's the pranking type but me I've never and will never be the pranking Type I'm Finna get her ass real quick tho. She had to pee so I put laxatives in her Gatorade. Let the pranks begin.

She came back out and we started unpacking and she of course was drinking her Gatorade
1 hour into unpacking
Kendra: babe my stomach hurts and it's bubbling
Me: you gotta take a shit?
Kendra: no I'll be fine
10 minutes later
Kendra: *gets up and run in bathroom
See I told her ass not to fuck with me now her bootyhole Finna be burning 😂😭

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2019 ⏰

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