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I walk into the estate and take my hair out of the bun that it's in. Everyone seems to be either at the peak of curiosity or completely nervous. Avoiding a trap Rikuo set, I walk into the house and into my room to change into my silk wine turisode. I brush my hair a bit and look into the mirror. My own e/c orbs stare back at me. I see my door open so I turn to my door to see Kubinashi's head floating away from his body that's in the door frame.

I sigh. "Yo Nukekubi, ever heard of knocking?" I ask him. He chuckles which freaks me out a bit. "You grandfather wishes to see you. He mumbled something about 'Kyoto' so it may be very important," Kubinashi tells me. I nod and push his body out of the way so I can get past. "Hey! This is merchandise!" He yells. I giggle but don't apologise

I walk into Nurarihyon's room to see him and Rikuo sitting seiza at a table on the floor. I sit seiza next to Rikuo to face Nurarihyon. "Now, Y/n, you're probably wondering why on Earth I called you in here, right?" I nod. "Well, I'm sending you and your brother away." Shocked, I looked over at Rikuo who is as confused at as me. "Nurarihyon! Where are you sending us?" I ask, "To Tono." "I think maybe you should specify why you're sending them there because you sound like a heartless old geezer."

Me and Rikuo turn around to see Kejoro standing there with a hand on her hip and a disgusted expression. "Ah yes. Young Rikuo wants to go to Kyoto because his little girlfriend is there. There is also rumour that an old nemesis named Hogoromo-Gitsune is there, too. I would like you to accompany him but I don't think either of you are ready for such a feat. I am sending you two off to Tono to train. You will not be able to leave Tono until you are deemed ready. Are you ready for this?" I stare blankly. 

"Hey Harionago!"

Kejoro's voice snaps me out of my trance. Everyone is staring at me. "So, Y/n? You up for the challenge?" Nurarihyon asks me. I shake my head. "You lost me on 'girlfriend'," I tell him, "Rikuo WHAT?!" Rikuo sighs. "Grandfather I told you to stop calling her that! She isn't my girlfriend and never will be. You know I like-" Me and Kejoro get into his face. "LIKE WHO?!" I ask excitedly. "Just tell me! I can help you get with her!" Kejoro offers. Rikuo realises he spoke too much and shoos us off.

Me and Kejoro sit in a corner thinking of people it could be.

"Maybe you, Kejoro?"
"I'm too old for him. Maybe it's someone his age?"
"Maybe he's lying about it not being that girl when it actually is?!"
"That's a possibility. He also has this female childhood friend, y'know. That brunette?"
"Hana. Yes she is also a possibility."

Me and Kejoro sit there thinking until finally, I come up with the perfect candidate.

"YUKI-ONNA!" Me and Kejoro yell in unison. Speak of the devil. Tsurara walks into the room just as Rikuo changes into his night form. She looks like she's been doing laundry since she has a basket of clean, folded-up clothes in her arms.

"I was called?" Tsurara asks. I look over to Rikuo who's looking down with a bright red blush on his face. Me and Kejoro both exchange looks, immediately realising we were both thinking the same thing. "Uh, guys? Kejoro? Y/n? What'd you call my name for?" Tsurara asks. "Oh nothing. We just wanted to distract you from whatever you were doing," I say slyly. She sighs and mumbles something before leaving.

Rikuo hesitantly looks at the fox faces me and Kejoro are putting on. "Since you guys will be in Tono for a while I will entrust this Harionago to make Rikuo into a man that Tsurara will love. Got that?" Rikuo looks like he's about to kill us while Nurarihyon just laughs. "Alright Alright, settle down. Y/n and Rikuo, go pack please," Nurarihyon tells us. I give Kejoro a quick hug and hurry to my room.

I enter my room to see a suitcase on my bed. I unzip the suitcase and the first thing I see is a shirt that has everyone from the main family on it. Only one person could have done this. "NUKEKUBI!!" I call. He arrives in my room seconds later. "Did I ask you to pack my stuff?" "No." "You were snooping on the conversation?" "Yes." "I want you to do something for me." I zip up the suitcase and turn to Kubinashi.

"I want you to promote Rikuo."

He looks at me confused. "You said you heard the conversation, right? Promote Rikuo to Yuki-Onna. You should already know why. Kejoro will help you," I tell Kubinashi. He looks hesitant but I thank him so he has to go along with it. Something comes over me and I open up the suitcase and start looking through the articles of clothing. I get to the bottom to see that Kubinashi also packed my underwear.

I turn towards the doorway quickly to see that he's gone. I don't even bother to look for him because I don't have the energy. I'm so tired that I don't even put on pyjamas and go straight to bed.

-    -    -    -    -    -

I wake up in a bed and look around. This isn't my room. There's a window. I use my hair to open up the window because my body feels too heavy to move. I look next to me to see my suitcase. The sliding door opens and a boy who looks a few years older than me stands in the doorway. He has black hair with white highlights and a red bandanna. Out of fear, I wrap my hair around the boy's body and have my barbs aimed at his neck.

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