The Darkest Ruin (Gold x Silver)- 1

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This day was absolutely fantastic!

Not the whole almost drowning part, but the fact that he had finally met the boy he'd had a crush on for years. Not just met either Silver had saved him from drowning. It was almost too unreal to be true. It was every girl's dream to be saved by the one they loved. Of course he wasn't a girl, but he had been imagining what it would be like to finally meet Silver face-to-face.

He had instantly liked the redhead when Silver had moved to Johto from Kanto a couple years ago. Gold had seen him as he was walking out of the principle's office. It was around the time that Gold had come out about being gay and everyone wanted to pick a fight with him because of it. Silver had been sitting on one of the chairs outside the office with another boy sitting a few chairs away from him, both boys were bruised and their clothes and hair were all a disarray. The other boy had the worst of it. In that moment Gold had gotten a crush on the redhead.

His red hair had been everywhere and his signature black and red jacket had been ripped. He had a dark-blue and purple colored bruise growing on his cheek. But what really stood out to Gold were the fiery silver eyes and the small smug smile that crossed the boy's lips when he thought nobody was looking. The smile had been gone a second later but it had been enough. Gold had found out what had happened later, apparently the other boy had tried to 'put him in his place' and Silver had retaliated. He also came to find out what an attitude the redhead had but it didn't make Gold think any less of him. While most people were put off or angry, in his opinion the pissed off, I-hate-everything attitude made the redhead appear hotter.

And as the years went by Gold watched Silver from afar. Strangely they had all their classes together every year. His crush on the redhead grew stronger and he was positively giddy to have the redhead inside his house. It made him feel like the luckiest person on the earth because he knew that Silver would never have come to his house in any other circumstance. And now that he had finally met the redhead, their meeting by being far better than he could have imagined, he was not going to let the redhead go as easily as he wanted. He was willing to tolerate the redhead's attitude so he wasn't going to let the redhead walk out of his life without putting up a fight.

"Here we are!" Gold chirped as he walked in, letting Silver in before closing and locking the door.

Silver merely grunted and narrowed his beautiful silver eyes at him. Even narrowed those eyes were the most beautiful things he had ever seen.

Gold ushered Silver towards the bathroom, "This is the bathroom. You can change out of your clothes in here. I'll get changed out of my clothes and go find you something that will fit you." With that Gold did as he said he would.

Gold walked back in dry clothes, and handed Silver the change of clothes. "This should fit you, you are taller and your shoulders are wider than mine though. Anyway, I'll be back to get your wet clothes." he said and went to throw his own clothes into the dryer, he refused to take off his hat though.

While he waited for Silver to finish changing, he found his cell phone (luckily he had left it at home) and proceeded to text his mother about Silver saving him from drowning. Her break wasn't till late so she wouldn't be able to reply soon. Gold decided to check on Silver.

And there came his first mistake. Figuring Silver would be done by now, and slightly hoping to see a half-naked Silver, Gold opened the bathroom door (which was unlocked) and came face-to-face with a badly scarred and faintly bruised back. Silver quickly pulled the slightly to small shirt over his head and before Gold could react further than gaping wide-eyed at Silver, the redhead had Gold pinned against the wall by his neck.

"You will never speak of what you just saw to anyone. Ever. If you do, you will wish you hadn't been born." Silver's tone was hard and his eyes blazed with fury. It made the threat much more menacing and the way the redhead's hand tightened slightly around the amber eyed boy's neck made it much more so.

Gold, not stupid enough to question what he saw right away. He would heed Silver's threat about not telling anyone else but the redhead didn't say anything about talking to him about it. However, if asked Gold knew the redhead would just blow up at him about it, so he'd have to wait until Silver calmed down and wasn't in a position to argue with him about it.

So instead of trying to piss Silver off more than he was, Gold went for try to defuse the anger as much as possible. "Your clothes?" Gold asked quietly.

Silver blinked at the other boy, for a moment taken aback by the sudden question, having expected the other to cower in fear of what the redhead might do to him and beg him not to hurt him. It was what others at school would have done if Silver had them by the throat. It both left him flabbergasted and aggravated with the boy. But he could tell the threat had stuck nonetheless so instead of answering, Silver narrowed his eyes and snarled at the black haired boy before leaving the bathroom.

Gold let out a breath that he hadn't realized he'd been holding and slid down the wall until he was sitting on the floor next to his hat, which had fallen off when Silver had slammed him against the wall. He would admit that despite his feelings for the redhead, the other could be scary when his wrath was directed solely on him and when the redhead was infuriated instead of just annoyed. He might actually wait a day or two to bring up the scars that were distinctly whip marks and the other scars, cuts, and bruises that suggested abuse and torture. It was obvious Silver didn't want to talk about it, the reason was even more obvious since Gold doubted he would want to talk about it if he was in Silver's position.

Gold gave a slight sigh before picking up his hat and the wet clothes that Silver had left on the counter and going to put them in the wash. When he was finished he walked into the living room to see Silver sitting on one of the couches, glaring angrily at one of the walls. He looked up and glared at Gold as he walked in.

Gold gave him a smile, "You want something to eat or drink." He gave another sigh as Silver just glared at him, "I'm sorry for just walking in but you could have locked the door." Silver had nothing to say to that and just looked away to glare at the wall again.

He sat down on the couch next to Silver, who didn't look the least bit happy about it but didn't say anything. He set his hat down in his lap and fiddled with the pokéball button that he had pinned to the front of it this morning as he glanced over to watch Silver.

A silence passed over the two as Gold watched Silver and he glared at the wall before he seemed to get tired of being stared at. He turned his glared at Gold and growled, "What!"

Gold gave a looked that clearly stated you-have-got-to-be-kidding-me, and his voice was quiet as he spoke, "You should know very well what."

Silver scowled, "Not much to tell."

"Like what those were?" Gold asked sharply.

"You should know very well what made those." Silver shot back.

By now both were glaring at each other and Gold's hat lay abandoned on his lap. After a moment Gold's expression softened, "Who could have done this to you?"

Silver's face changed from anger to confusion, "You really don't know who my father is?"

Gold blinked in bewilderment, wonder why who his father was could mean anything. Unless the redhead's father...

"Who's your father?" Gold asked, figuring his other question could be asked on a later date.

Silver stared at Gold for a moment before shaking his head and turning back to stare at the wall. That was all that was said on the matter for the rest of the time they spent at Gold's.

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