Should I do an art book and get rid of the taekook story?

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Hello! I don't even know what I'm doing here to be honest- But here I am. I think some people might be here I'm not sure

Cricket cricket

ANYWAY I'm thinking of getting rid of the Move on, it's not hard book and just focus on my aesthetic, artsy look because I think that's more of something that I can do without seeming like a fish out of water trying to write fan fictions, like in all words I'm saying I have no idea what I'm doing. So that's why I'm thinking get rid of the taekook and make an art one instead, so then I feel like that. I have much more confident when I get to write and show what I love to do, I'm not saying I don't like writing it's just something I can't do without feeling awkward doing, you know? But I'm back from my hella long break, I'll post some pictures in a little and yeah! And like I'm also saying this short message here because I know people are reading this more so I'll just say it here and people can see so I'll post in a few minutes!

~Luka out 💜

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