.:.Out of the barrio.:.

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Graffiti Pete wasn't the kind of person people would keep their eye on. In fact, the complete opposite. People didn't seem to care for what happened to him or where he would end up. Artists, or commonly known as vandals, weren't appreciated that much in the barrio. Pete didn't want all the attention on him, but, damn, would he love for someone to encourage his art. He felt trapped in the barrio. He didn't feel home. He just felt..blandness. The barrio wasn't the worst place, but he wishes that there would've been another place to live in.

And for once, he felt like miracles could actually happen.

"You've gotta be kidding me. Are you for real?" Pete says.

"Nope. You have potential, Pete. You have some great talent, and I'm giving you a chance to show it off."

Pete wasn't really fond of the person talking on the other line, but this might be the greatest gift he's ever gotten from him.

"Wait, hold up. You're actually paying for the flight? And for the apartment? Who are you and what have you done to my stepdad?" Pete says, jokingly.

The man chuckles.
"Yeah, Pete. I guess I own you for all the time you had to put up with my shit when you still lived with your mom. But anyways, move to Chicago, and I assure you that your art will be noticed. YOU will be noticed."

Pete could just imagine it. No longer having to live in the small, shitty apartment he had. He'd be living in a nice studio apartment, his art all around. He would actually be able to live comfortably.

And thank god for this, no Usnavi.
His favorite part, definitely.

"So, is it a yes or a definite yes? Cause I need your answer by Friday, Peter."

Pete cringed at the name. Ah, now he remembers why he despised his stepdad when he was a kid. Only that growing up, he realized he wasn't that bad. Just acted like a dick sometimes.

"Don't ever call me that again. And.."
Pete would've easily said yes. He had a great life ahead of him. He had no reason to reject the offer.

But Sonny was still gonna stay in the barrio.

"..I'll think about it. Ya know, it's not easy since this place has been my home for so long and all.." That was a complete lie. He could've cared less about the barrio, but Sonny? He was the only person he truly liked in the barrio.

"Damn. Well, I can't argue against that. Take your time, but tell me by Friday, okay? I've gotta plan this now, Peter, and it's no use if you cancel it last minute."

"Man, fuck you and the nickname. And still, I'll think about it."

"Don't make me put your mom on the line, Pete. Plus, that's what she called you all the time. Anyways, call me when you're ready to leave."

Pete simply hangs up and puts his phone in his pockets. Now came the difficult part. Telling Sonny he was leaving. But, he would understand, right?
Sonny hated night shifts. He was exhausted while Usnavi was out with Vanessa. It wasn't fair, he thought, but Usnavi has covered for Sonny over a hundred times while he hung out with Carla or Nina, or just walked around the barrio with-

"Yo, Pete!" Sonny says, noticing his best friend enter the bodega.

Now, this was a strange occasion. Sonny noticed that Pete had a look of happiness as if he won the lottery, but he also looked confused. Sonny has never seen Pete this happy before, and the fact just saddens him. Pete deserved better, he didn't deserve to be seen as a good-for-nothing punk. Sonny knew he wasn't a punk, and that he was more than that.
Seeing Pete that happy just made him curious.

"Hey, Sonny." Pete says.

"So, uh, what's up?"

"Just, um..wanted to tell you some news."

Sonny stood there and listened.

"Well..I'm leaving..to Chicago.."

Sonny's eyes widen. His best friend was leaving? And he was happy about it?

"..For a couple of months. Ya know, visiting my family, all that stuff."
Pete lied. As much as Pete wants to be honest, he just couldn't. Telling his best friend he's leaving permanently would obviously mess him up a little bit, so he chose to just move, and besides, Sonny would just forget about him. Atleast, that's what he thought.

"Oh." Sonny said, in relief. He was actually thinking that his friend would abandon him like that. He felt stupid, because Pete would never do that, right?

"Yeah, but I'll be back..soon enough. Just telling you so you'll know I didn't go missing or some shit."

Pete wanted to punch himself. Why couldn't he just tell him he's moving?

"Well, bring me something pretty when you get back here, okay? Gonna miss these little conversations we have even if it's just a few months. When are you leaving?"

"On Saturday."

"Well, I think we should make the most of it before you leave."

"I need to go pack some stuff. Let me do that and I'll come back right to you, okay?"

Sonny nods, and with that, Pete runs out of the bodega.

Oh, Usnavi is definitely gonna celebrate this.
Pete walks in his apartment. He lays down on his bed, staring at the roof. He didn't know what to expect in Chicago, and he wasn't looking foward to explaining on why he was leaving to Carla since Sonny would definitely tell her. He lays there for a few minutes before looking at his phone.

His stepdad was calling..

"Make the most of it, huh?"

Pete picks up the phone.

Damn, he wishes he won't regret this.

(I'm sorry for this weird mess, but I'll update it soon enough.

it's shit, i know)

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