5. Close

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It's 4am in the morning and My parents still didn't get up for work this is My chance to leave.

I did everything really fast. I put on my school uniform and did my hair in a high pony tail.

At 5 am I finished everything. Quit as possible I close the door behind me without making any noise.

I headed off to school, the school lights were still off, it looked so dark. It's right that at this time the school is closed but the school library is always open at this time so I went there.

I opened the school library lights and sat down on the floor reading a book until it's time for first the class.

I finished reading my book that's called life is given. I looked at the time and it's already 7:43 am

I stood up to look for another book to read.

I found one and reached my hand out to take it...I heard footsteps so I concentrated on that and forgot about taking the book.

The Shadow of two legs was coming closer and closer, a bit more and it's close enough to see who it is.

I didn't expect that it would be hyunseong.

W..wh..what are you doing here. I asked.

I'm here to take a book I needed, i had to get it before someone else takes it. He said in a natural tone.

Watch out !!! He yelled and I just stood there looking at him confused for a second then he pushed me away causing both of us falling hard on the ground.

There i was laying on the ground with him on top of me and a bunch of books fell on the ground, after seeing the falling books I realized how close hyunseong's lips were to mine.

So close that I can kiss him but It didn't happen of course.

He cleared his throat uh oh sorry. He said and he got of me.

He reached his hand out to signaling for me to take it, I looked at his hand for a few seconds then I took it and he helped me up.

I left him searching for the book he needed and went to look what caused the books fell.

Ofcourse it was a ghost again, I expected it so I prepared myself to not scream because of his scary face.

This ghost died at a young age, it had no friends and was always lonely in the library reading untill he died because of an illness. That explains the dark circles under his eyes and he looked so thin that I can see his bones, then comes the scariest part ...his bloody arm, the injection inhis arm went wrong that's why his arm was bleeding.

I think I'm going to be bothered by this ghost every time I come to the library. There's no place where I'm alone...there's always a ghost.

Hyunseong's POV

Yes! I found the book I needed, I looked at my watch and wow the time goes bye really fast it's already 8 o'clock, first class starts in 10 minutes.

I went to look for josa so we can go to class together, when I saw her she was staring at something but I don't know what because there was nothing to stare at.

Josa did you finish what you needed to do? if you did then let's go together to class if you want? She took her bag and walked behind me to class.

The bell rang and we arrived in time and sat down in our places.

Heyy hyunseong where were you. Asked donghyun
I was in the library with Josa. I answered.

Good morning everyone please sit down and be quit. Miss Furzi our music teacher said.

This time's homework is to chose a song that you'll be singing alone on stage next week on Tuesday. Miss Furzi said.

Josa's POV

I got shocked wen I heard, I can't sing! Don't worry you can. A voice said from behind me, it was that ghost girl again.

I looked at her a bit confused, what do you mean I can?
Well if you let me possess you that day I can use my voice to sing so that it seems that you're singing. She said and I admit it's a great idea but isn't it cheating if I do this, it's not my voice after all but i still I agreed with her, it's better then being humiliated.

Hyunseong's POV

Josa got a shocked and nervous expression when miss Furzi said we needed to sing a song alone next week on stage. I don't know why but I couldn't keep my eyes off her , I want to keep looking at her so I did and she was starring like their was was something but nothing, the most unexpected thing happened... I really did not expect this. She started talking to herself.

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