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💬Texting Ashton

Ash: Ashton


In which you and Ashton are dating and have this conversation.

Ash: hello sunshine!

Ash: (y/n) wake up!

Ash: are you dreaming of us?

Ash: aww babe

Ash: is it a dirty dream 😏

Ash: ya nasty! *thats so raven voice*

Ash: ughh wake up im bored

Ash: you are my sunshineee

Ash: on a cloudyyy dayy *tries to reach high note= 73728wounded 82636dead*

Ash:👆 well at least when you sing that is

Ash: bc when I sing angles cry

Ash: tears or joy

Ash: and tears of hurt bc they cant sing as good as me.

Ash: ughhh wake the fuck up!

: good morning ass hole what the fuck do you want?

Ash: yayyy ur awake

: its fuckin 10 in the morning what the hell do you want Ashton ?!

Ash: I want to see your beautiful face

:👊 how ur somewhere in LA rn-.-

Ash: I miss u though

:😔i miss you too

Ash: can we face time rn?

:I look like hell

Ash: well shit


Ash: if thats what hell looks like forget about heaven! I'm going to hell!

:... Do u realize what ur saying?

Ash: ur beautiful

:so is satan

Ash: ? Im so confused on what to say u make me nervous can we plz just video chat

:okay but u wont see my face

Ash: doesn't matter ill just pretend ur beautiful face is there

:ugh ur cuteness makes me want to puke

Ash: y aren't u picking up

:bc I changed my mind im really shy now Ashton

Ash: noooooo baby please its only me you're talking to

:fine let me at least change and fix the mess that is my face

Ash: so the it wont take long bc all u have to do is change

: :P loser

Ash: what?

:s t o p being cute

Ash: only 4 u my princess

*face time to be continued/pt 2 if I get some reads votes comments etc thanks for reading!*

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