Chapter 5 The Confession

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Author's Note

   So from this chapter the story will start changing and I just can't wait how the output is gonna come. Please comment whether y'all like my story or should I continue it or not.Thanks all and we always purple u Jungkook.
At the park
"Just look at her" Jungkook told Jackson as he points towards Y/n who was enjoying the beautiful sunset while dancing around the park and singing, without any concerns.
"I know. She is just too happy to be here after all those stress". Jackson smiled.
"Hey Jacks can I tell you so-" but kookie was cut off when Jackson also asked him if he could tell kookie something, at the same time. Y/n was a bit far from them and she didn't even bothered to look at her besties once.
"Oh jinx kooks" Jackson responded as he giggled a bit.
"So you tell what you want to say" kookie and Jackson sat on a bench.
"So today, I'm gonna do something". Jackson became shy all of a sudden.
"What..??" Jungkook asked eagerly.
"I want to confess to Y/n today I mean...right now" and as soon as kookie heard it from Jackson, he felt like his heart has stopped beating. All this time he was planning the perfect way out to propose to the love of his life, Lee Y/n but after this statement, all his dreams shattered in pieces. In fact, kookie was actually planning to confess Y/n today at the park and he was completely ready for this but seems like things didn't work out well. Jeon Jungkook felt like he was about to burst in tears.
"Re-really Jackson I-I mean are you de-determind.....??" Kookie asked, controlling his emotions.
"Yeah wish me good luck dude. I actually liked her since the first day I met you 2. Then we 3 became very good friends and now it's time for me to take a step forward".He went towards a rose plant and picked up the most beautiful rose in between all of them.
"But what if she rejects you??". Jungkook questioned Jackson who was busy with the flower.
"Why?? Am I that bad??" Jackson laughed as he came close to kookie.
"Yah no I was just like wondering" kookie gave a fake smile.
"Let's not hope that" Jackson replied. Jungkook patted his shoulder and hugged him. Even though he felt like he was about to die and the fact that he was the one who should be proposing, he still smiled and supported his chinese friend.
"Best of luck man. I bet you will get positive feedback". Jungkook replied.
"Thanks buddy. Hey you wanna tell me something too right??"Jackson asked, remembering suddenly their 'jinx' moment.
"Oh I just wanted to say what Maths homework did we had hehe".
"Ohh. I'll text you that later". Suddenly, Y/n appeared in front of them.

"Yah you guys forget me or something!!" She pouted which made Jungkook as well as Jackson's heart beat more fast.
"Why will we forget you Y-"
"Y/n, I need to tell you something". Suddenly, the atmosphere became kinda tensed.
"Yeah sure Jackson, anything" Y/n smiled.
"Y/n.." Jackson knelt down with the beautiful rose in front of her as her eyes grew wide. Honestly, kookie was kinda feeling uncomfortable. Maybe because he was again day dreaming about him being in the same position Jackson is.
"Lee Y/n, I love you. Will you be my girlfriend?" Jackson smiled lovingly at her and Y/n couldn't hold back her smile anymore.
"Re-really Jackson..?? Y-you are kid-kidding right....??" Y/n asked, still can't believe what she heard. And that dumbo, who never had the proper courage,was standing there still, watching the 2 of them, with no emotions, still praying to God that hope   Y/n rejects.
"Since the first day, you won my heart. Not because of your looks to be exact, but because of your kindness with everyone. The way you do everything just made my heart flutter all the time. My mom always told me to find a girl, just like you and now that I found you, I want to ask you again beautiful...... Will you accept me..??"
It didn't even took a single second for Y/n to nod her head as a YES.
"Ofcourse I would love to Jackson!! You don't know how happy I'm feeling right now.I love you too, Jackson". She smiled and rushed to Jackson's arms, hugging each other tightly while kookie felt like killing himself. Eventually, we all know his fault, that is that he was too late.
But the worst thing that he ever saw was.....when the new couple kissed each other, with love and passion.

In front of Y/n's house

"Bye babe. See you tomorrow. Take care". Jackson said as he dropped Y/n and Jungkook in front of their house.
Now of course Jungkook congratulated them and sometimes teased the new couple during their way back home but all those things didn't come from his heart.

And he just can't accept this new relationship.

He is still praying to the Almighty to do some miracle and make Y/n his.

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