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"Hey Jennie there's a storm in the philippines name jenny"Y/n said
Jennie walk to Y/n"Really let me see"Jennie said
"Look you're Storm is trending #1 in the philippines"Y/n said and show jennie her Cellphone
"But you know what's the good news"Y/n said
"What is it?"Jennie ask
"It will not last long cause it's short"Y/n said in a teasing tone
"Blinks said it will be raining of shortness and the rain will only pour on the one who's whipped"Y/n said,Y/n is totally enjoying teasing jennie

Jennie got up and walk to her room,before she enters
"You know who will sleep on the couch?"Jennie ask
"You Y/n,sleep in the couch!Enjoy Your stay there."Jennie said and shut the door
Y/n just walk to the couch dumbfounded,she thinks that it's a bad idea to tease jennie,"Well couch its been a long time huh?"Y/n flops herself in the couch....



So all filo blinks,Jenny in our are huh,Be safe everybody!
Don't catch a colddddd


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