Chapter 2

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~Harry's POV~

She's sweet, she's down to earth, she doesn't care I'm in a famous band, but she's into Zayn. We met a little while ago at Louis', she babysits his little sisters, since then her and Zayn have been hanging out constantly. Whenever she can she'll take the train down to London, or he'll go up to her. It's ridiculous. She's here right now, she looks beautiful, and she's staying the night, at Zayn's. Her hair is long and a dark brown, her eyes a chocolate color, and her skin is light, but not extremely, just perfectly, and it's always soft. "Harry?" Zayn asks interuptting my train of thought. I look over at him, his arm around her, it's almost the end of winter break for her.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Oh, I think, I know, let's go Harry," Louis says elbowing me. He gets up, and I just follow without objection. "See ya later."

"Bye Harry! Bye Louis!" Audrey says sweetly.

"Bye," I say smiling. We leave Zayn's flat, and walk to our building. It's not that far away, just a block or two.

"You gotta stop thinking about her like that man," Louis says, hands shoved in his coat. "She's Zayn's."

"Yeah, I know." I sigh.

"Then stop," Louis adds, "just trying to help you out." Yeah whatever.

~Audrey's POV~

He's perfect, perfection in every sense. The way he holds me, the way he speaks, the way he does everything. Okay, so I'll just cut it short, we had sex. It was great to be honest with you, he was so sweet, and telling me he loves me and such sweet things. But right now, I'm just walking around London, since Zayn had to go to the studio, and I'll be taking the train home soon. I decide to go to Starbucks, I walk in the cozy little place and see Louis with Niall and Harry. "Hey guys!" I say from the line waving. The walk up to me with drinks in their hands.

"Hello Miss Audrey," Louis says.

"Hi ReeRee," Niall says, that's what he calls me, maybe cause I call him NiNi.

"Hi Auddy," Harry says, calling me by my actually nickname.

"Why aren't you guys in the studio?" I ask moving up a person in line.

"What?" Niall asks.

"Aren't you guys supposed to be at the studio?" I ask slowly.

"No..." Harry responds. I order a White Chocolate Mocha quickly then turn back towards them.

"Zayn told me he had to go to the studio," I say.

"Well, we don't..." Louis says. "But I wouldn't worry."

"Yeah, okay." I say grabbing my drink from the lady.

"Are you leaving today?" Niall asks.

"Yeah, but the train doesn't leave till later tonight, so I'll probably just shop around," I shrug.

"Would you mind if I joined?" Harry quickly asks, earning a glare from Louis.

"No, I hate shopping alone, I get so lonely." I say.

"I guess, we'll be leaving then," Niall says grabbing Louis' arm. Harry and I are left in Starbucks.

"Let's go," I say turning to the door, shopping partner, yay.

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