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Hey lovely readers!

Requests are currently OPEN, so if you have one, please comment it here so I can keep track of them! It's a lot easier to sort through the requests if they're all on one page. You can also PM me if you have one and don't want it to be in the comments section. For example, if it's like super smutty or emparassing or something, PM me if you want to, idk hahah.

In your request, please specify all of the following (so I can get a general idea of what you would like me to write):

1. Both/all of the characters that you want included

2. If it's smut, just say so, 'cus I am willing to write that shit lol

3. Whether or not you want it to be an x reader or not

4. Any other details/plot points you want me to include

5. If you want it to be a crossover, and if so, what the other fandom is (I will only accept crossover requests if I am a part of both fandoms; if you want me to tell you the ones that I'm a part of, I can, but trust me, there are a lot of them lol)

Remember, if you have a request, I'll be glad to take it! Happy reading!

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