| Danvid | - Attention

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Ayeee first one shot here we gooo
This one is ~semi~ kid friendly (sadly—) but still sexy, I promise ;)

"Ahh, don't you just love thinking about the stars?" David asked Gwen, his voice quiet. "Each of them are millions of miles apart from each other, and yet, they look so close together in our eyes."

Gwen had her nose in her notebook, barely sparing a dull, "Mhmm," for David as she scribbled her thoughts down with shocking enthusiasm. David glanced in her direction and chuckled softly at his friend. Gwen ignored that, too.

The two of them were sitting in the grass near the kid's tents, which they did sometimes before they themselves went to bed, just as a 'one final check in' sort of thing.

After a few moments of sitting in silence, Gwen stood up, closing her notebook. "I'm going inside. Goodnight, David. Don't stay out too late."

"Okay, goodnight, Gwen!"

David listened, waiting for Gwen to close the door behind her. Once he heard it click shut, he stood up to do one final walk around the perimeter of camp before clocking out. Safety first, as he always liked to say! Well, David didn't actually say that often, but he believed it. It was his job as camp counselor to make sure there wasn't anything (or, in this particular instance, anyone) suspicious lurking about in the thick darkness of the forest that could potentially harm the campers.

The night seemed even quieter now that David was alone. He slid one hand into his pocket—the other carrying the flashlight—and savored the scent of the cool summer air, which carried hints of pine, lake water, and night time. His eyes moved from the sky, to the trees, to the path, to the sky again.

David walked past the mess hall, and as he continued going straight down the path, heard a snapping sound from somewhere within the trees.

David's breath immediately caught in his throat as he swiveled to his left, searching for the source of the sound. Shinning his light into the trees, David called, "Hello? Is anyone out there?"

Silence answered him. David bit the inside of his lower lip, and, after a moment, turned back to the path.

There was a flash of white standing in the path before him, but David hardly had time to register it. The moment he saw the strange blob, he shrieked like a child, covering his face with his hands and flinching away. His flashlight clattered to the ground. "Don't hurt me!" he shouted.

A chuckle echoed through the trees, low and sinister. David recognized it after a moment, and pulled his hands away from his eyes to look at the white-clad man.


Daniel's eyes were shimmering in the moonlight, and his lips were curved in a smirk/smile mixture that made David's insides twist nervously. Although David hated the man's guts, he had always thought Daniel was strikingly handsome, and something about his voice was just so... inciting. Whenever Daniel spoke, it felt like some invisible force was building up inside of David's gut that might burst at any moment. David never acknowledged the feeling for fear that it would do more harm than good.  

"Well, well, well," Daniel drawled. The dark sensation immediately bubbled up in David's stomach. "Look who it is. Come here often?"

David scoffed at the joke and crossed his arms, the ray of his fallen flashlight casting sideways into the trees. "Ha ha, very funny, Daniel. Come here to try and brainwash everyone again, have you?"

Daniel grinned. "Maybe. Would you like me to brainwashed everyone?" He took a step closer to David.

"Wh—I... no! I would like for you to go away!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2020 ⏰

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