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My name is Mckenzie, but everybody calls me Kenzie.
I have three best friends. Cassie, Lauren, and Nash.
Nash is my best friend.
We have known each other ever since .... Well forever.
He's seventeen and I'm sixteen.
Our birthdays aren't far apart so he's only a few months older than me.
I've had a crush on him since I was a freshman.
Now I'm a junior.
So are all of my friends.

Kenzie's POV

I arrived at the high school and texted Nash.

'Hey are you at school yet?'

'Im behind the school playing some hoops with my boys if you want to join you can?'

'Ill be there in like 3 minutes.'


Nash's POV

As I was texting Kenzie Cameron asked me,"who are you texting?" "Kenzie." I replied. "Kenzie Hargrove?" "Yup"
I said while shooting the basketball at the same time.
He huffed and puffed and rolled his eyes.

Kenzie finally showed up and I walked over and gave her a hug and introduced her to everybody.

Kenzie's POV

I arrived behind the school to find Nash and all of his guy friends.
Nash came up and hugged me and introduced me to all of his friends. "Kenzie, this is Hayes... My brother you already know him.






Jack j.

And jack g."

Some of them are so cute.
I had my eye on two of them though. Shawn and Cameron.
They were both so adorable but I still like Nash.
"And guys this is Kenzie, my best friend."
"I thought I was your best friend?!" Shawn said as it made me giggle.
He looked at me and smiled.

Shawn's POV

"I thought I was your best friend?!"
I said for laughter.
Kenzie giggled.
She had the most sweetest giggle ever. She is a nice looking girl.
But one of my friends like her.
He told me.
He's liked her ever since freshman year.
It sucks that I can't have her.
Well that's only if she doesn't like him back.
I am going to find out because she is perfect.
Her hair. Her smile. Her laugh. Her eyes. Her sexy body.
Did I just say that in my head?
Yes I did!

Kenzie's POV

It was silent for a moment.
"Do you want to play some hoops with us?"
Shawn asked handing me the ball.
I blushed.
"Um. Sure."
I said in hesitation.
He smiled and handed me the ball.
We played for about 10 minutes.
"Wow you're really good."
Shawn complimented me.
"Thanks." I replied.
He just smiled at me.
The five minute bell rang.
I started to walk to class.
"Hey wait up!"
Shawn yelled trying to get me to turn around.
I turned around and smiled.
"Oh. Hey." I said.
"Hey so what class do you have first?" "Gym." I replied.

*note: It's the beginning of 11th grade.*

"Me too." He said.
"Cool." He just smiled at me and we walked to gym together.
We walked in and sat down on the bleachers side by side.
"Okay class. We don't usually do anything in here so you guys can play some hoops or talk or whatever."
The gym coach yelled.
It got louder as he walked away.
Shawn looked at me with his big brown eyes.
He was so freaking cute!
We just say there and started talking.
I was getting to know him better. "Kenzie?"
"Nothing. Never mind."
I just stared at him confused.
He kept looking at the ground.
I bent down under his face so he would look up.
He laughed at me and looked in my eyes.
I leaned up and we just kept staring at each other.

Shawn's POV

Kenzie bent down to see what I was looking at.
I just laughed at her when she did.
I made her smile and we sat up and stared at each other.
God! She is beautiful!
I wish I could just- and I went for it.
I couldn't help it and I knew it was bad. I was probably going to get killed if my friend knew that I did it.
I kissed her.
She was 3 inches away from my face.
I couldn't help myself.
I'm guessing she liked it because she was kissing back.

Kenzie's POV

Out of nowhere he just started kissing me.
I couldn't help but kiss back.
He eventually pushed away and said, "this is wrong. I shouldn't be kissing you! It wouldn't be fair to-" he stopped himself.
"It wouldn't be fair to who?" I asked. "Um. Nobody!"
"Listen that was great and I think I'm starting to like you but I can't take this too fast." I said.
"To be honest. I think you're really hot. I like you a lot. Everything about you is perfect but I just can't betray him."
He said in response.
"Betray who?" I asked.
"I can't tell you."
"Well whoever it is... I don't like them the way I do you."
He looked up at me instantly.
He looked shock and relieved and scared at the same time.
I seriously don't understand this boy.
I want to know what he's thinking. "The only thing I can tell you is that this certain person that likes you is one of my close friends and he was playing with us at the basketball court behind the building."
Shawn blurted out really fast.
The bell rang. We both got up and walked to our next class.
"What do you have next?" I asked. "History." He replied.
"Me too!" I said instantly.
He kind of smiled but it faded instantly.
He looked kind of worried or scared about something.
We both got to class and then I saw cameron sitting in one of the seats in the back.
I sat next to cameron and Shawn sat next to me.
Before the bell rang I started talking to Shawn.
"Why don't you two get a room." Cameron blurted at me and Shawn. "Why are you being such a jerk!?"
I asked in the same cocky tone he gave me.
"You know you don't have to sit here." "Well I didn't realize that until a fag started being so rude to me!"
I got up and moved away from him. Shawn moved as well.
He sat right behind me.
I looked back at Cameron.
It looked like I hurt his feelings.
I didn't care he deserves it.
The class started and before I knew it the class was ending.
I wasn't really paying attention.
I got up and went to my next class without talking to anybody.

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