Week Three

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Chapter 38
The trio travelled back to town over the next few days. Jackson informed Charlie that Joseph was okay, but his ear was gone. Bo was still in critical condition and had been taken to a hospital in Seattle for surgery and care. They said his odds were good at making a full recovery. At night, Kasey had huddled around whatever fire they could scrape together. When she finally dozed off, she found herself curled up next to Charlie. He didn't mind. After being out here for so long, she needed some kind of comfort. It put his mind at ease after the last few days including his thoughts about Edwards' role in his life. He would stare at the fire until it finally died down knowing his brother was looking at him and wondering what he might do.

They reached town glad to be back. Being back seemed different now as if a shroud that had covered the town was lifted. Not completely. After stopping at the police station, Charlie got in his car ready to get it over with. Jackson gave him a waving gesture and ran over to him as he pulled out of the parking lot. Charlie stopped and rolled down his window.

"I'm letting you do this because I know what it means. But you need to remember that he's going to get what's due for him. Just be careful and know that you're in control."

Charlie nodded and rolled up his window. He left his brother staring at him in the middle of the street before turning around to coordinate his men.

The drive over was brief and Charlie was focused and pictured in his mind what he would say to the man who had been his friend for so long. The man had lied to him every time they met. Every session he sat there trying to help Charlie knowing full well he was responsible for what happened to him and the Mullins family and Ted Roberts and Kasey. They all suffered for his sins because he had been a coward.

He arrived in front of the office and parked on the street. He sat looking at the office building and seeing it as a dark place, no longer a beacon of safety. The blood in his veins burned like diesel fuel and he felt that he should burn it to the ground. He knew he needed to move. Jackson wouldn't be far behind and he wanted to confront Edwards alone. The car door opened and the air hit him, causing his muscles to tense at the sensation and making him instinctively take a breath to relieve the tension. The length to the front door seemed to stretch as if trying to escape what was coming. Charlie closed the distance and knocked on the front door. There was nothing at first and he knocked again. A shuffle of footsteps, then the door opened.

"Charlie," Edwards answered, "What happened to you?"

The scratch marks that came from wood ripping by his face as John's bullet barely missed in the first shootout were just beginning to heal.

"It's been a long few days."

"Do you want to come in?"


He moved aside and Charlie hesitated. His hands were shoved inside his field jacket pockets to conceal that they were clenched. The threshold had been crossed and Charlie felt like he was back out in the woods, in enemy territory. Edwards closed the door behind him and then moved to sit on one of the couches. He waited for Charlie to do the same, but Charlie didn't feel like sitting down. There was a pallid look to both their faces. A thousand yard stare occupied Charlie's eyes.

"Did something happen out there?"

"We found the girl. John Reichart hid her in a cabin up by the Canadian border. He's dead now."

"Oh my," was all Edwards could manage to say. He fumbled with his hands a moment then resumed.

"Was she alright?"

"Yes, she was unharmed. Just dirty and tired."

"That's great news. What about yourself?"

"Bumps and bruises. Reichart tried to bury me alive again."

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