Kirishima x Reader Soulmate Au

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Word count: 862
Slight spoilers!!

  Despite being born in a world where anyone could have insane powers, that allows them to do as they please. Your life was rather uneventful; as the closets you've been to a villain attack was watching it on the news. Maybe it also helped that your quirk was know as Foresight, which allowed you to glance into a possible future so that you could change your actions according to what you saw. Or in other words you could see how your actions would impact the future which was a lot of weight to put on a child.

  As teachers an family alike expected you to always make the "right choice" since you could see what would happen. You did try this as well as a child could which in the end was why you had such a boring life.

  Though one of the few things that you couldn't exactly see with your quirk was anything that had to do with your soulmate. Such as where they were, what  they looked like or anything well except their hair colour that is. As the connection you and your soulmate shared was that you had the same hair colour. A beautiful midnight black that you had no reason to hate. Despite others often calling it plain and many other things, that often would lead to conflicts between you and other students.

Or they tried to fight you but fighting someone that could see every single move you make before you make it isn't the easiest thing ever. It was these encounters that gifted with your second biggest goal in life, first being meeting your soulmate of course. As fights were so easy for you to win why not try your hand at becoming a hero? It payed well and would finally add some excitement to your boring life and maybe make it easier to find your soulmate.

With your new goal set into place you began working ever harder to refine not just your quirk but yourself as a whole. You know the whole a healthy quirk dwells within a sound mind and a sound body thing had some weight to it after all. So much of your time was spent training mostly to make up for your quirk not being all that flashy in combat.

Such was the agenda for today as you walked home from school slower then usual as you didn't have as much homework to do before training. Taking your time to look at your surroundings, a park that you had often went to in your youth. In one future it had been completely demolished when a bunch of families were all there. Something you of course stopped but not without paying the price, mentally that is. Because you still remember what you saw completely and well it really didn't help that you were nine at the time.

Back on topic the park smelt dewy as it had rained earlier that day a few children played on the climbing equipment with dotting parents nearby. And what seemed to be a boy your age with.
No it can't be.? But it was. This boy had black hair that laid flat against his back as he faced away from you. Sat on a bench solemnly. You felt a very strong force pulling you to the male but like hell were you just going to walk over without taking a glance into a few futures.

You close your eyes and clear your mind as usual. And see nothing... wait what?! That's only happened when you tried to see who your soulmate was. With a gasp you open your eyes quickly thankfully the male is still in his place on the bench as you come to. Though with no way to approach the male without it being incredibly awkward at least. But as they say better a awkward meeting then a empathetic goodbye. So swallowing any lingering fear you walked towards the black haired male.

It seemed that the male was caught up in his own melancholy, despite the sounds of laughing children and warm sunlight. There was a sort of storm brewing in the male how you felt all this is still unknown. Swallowing any remaining doubt about approaching the male after all its rather common for strangers to speak with one another when they have the same colour.

"Uh, hey your hair it's really pretty..."

And now you've made a hug fool of yourself. Who calls someone's hair pretty in this day and age anyways?! Thankfully the male was more distracted by your sudden words to see your mini melt down. Spinning around to face you as you stood beside the bench a slight flush coats his cheeks with a weak smile.

"Thanks yours is too." He replies after noticing the match colour with glee.

"Oh uh! My names L/n F/n." I quickly add.

"Well L/n my names Kirishima Eijirou. And I'd really love to hang out with you." He replied with a grin on his face. And even if I didn't know for certain something in me knew that he was the one.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2019 ⏰

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