~♡.*SBTR Chapter 1*.♡~

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Wanda sat alone on her bed watching the TV. They had just gotten back from a mission in which Wanda had killed 12 civilians by accident while trying to stop a bomb.
"What authority does an enhanced individual like Wanda Maximoff have to operate in Nigeria..."  
The TV shut off. Steve stand in the door way.Wanda sighs It's It's my fault"  
"It's not your fault" Steve replied. Wanda didn't look at him. No matter how much everyone told her it wasn't her fault...she knew it was.
" Turn the Tv back on" she paused "there being very specific" she looked at him as he walked over to her bed and sat down beside her. "I should have stopped that bomb vest long before you had to deal with it...someone said Bucky and i was like a 16 year old back in Brooklyn" he sat on her bed with a concerned look on his face. "People died that's on me…" Wanda interrupted "its on both of us" she looked down. Steves sighed "this job...we try to save as  many people as we can...and sometimes that not everybody. And if we can't live with that...then maybe next time nobody gets saved" Wanda sighed and glanced at her feet again before Vision phased through the wall. "Vizh" Wanda said startled "we talked about this" she and steve look at his confused face. Well i wouldn't use confused, more of Innocent. He was born a few weeks ago. But wanda found his innocents kinda cute, although she'd never admit it. "Yes but the door was open so i assumed…" pausing for a second he restates "Mr Rogers asked to be informed when Mr Stark was arriving." Steves looked down "thank you i'll be there in a minute" Vision nodded and pointed towards the door "I'll use the door…...oh and apparently he brought company."   "Who" steve asked "the secretary of state" Vision replied then walked out of the door. 

Steve sighed and got up to leave as well "are you coming" wanda sighed "I'll be a few minutes" Steve nodded and left. Wanda sat on her bed for a moment and thought about what Steve said. We can't save everybody.  Those words repeated in her mind She shook it off tho, and made her way towards the conference room. Earning sideways glances and stars from the other agents she passed. She frowns but she also couldn't blame them. She thought of herself as a monster as well

Wanda POV 

During the meeting Secretary Ross talked about accords, some way to put the Avengers under government authority. After he shower the video of me killing those people i pretty much ignored the rest of the meeting. Everyone was arguing and all I could think about was that this was all my fault. The Killing in Logos. The government getting involved. I should have just died in Slovakia...be with Pietro.  But i wasn't I was here Alive and causing division. When Secretary Ross left the team started debating. They said that if we don't sign the accords now that eventually The government or secretary Ross would find a way. "You're saying they'll come for me" everything stopped talking but Vision quickly replied "we would protect you" you glanced down one again blocking out what the others were saying vision said they would protect me. I didn't know whether to believe him or not. But I hoped so. 

The meeting was over and Natasha had accompanied Wanda back to her room. The to were growing a little closer and Wanda thought of her as a mother figure. She was always looking out for her, training her, and helping her adjust to her new life. But in a weird way, she also thought of her as a sister. "Thanks Nat" Wanda said stopping at her door and opening it "no problem" She replied. Wanda sighed "hey it wasn't yours fault" Natasha said. She put her hand on her shoulder and pulled her in for a hug. "Thanks again" Natasha smiled and they both parted ways.

Vision was about to leave the conference room when Tony stopped him "Ahh Mr Stark, how can I be of any assistance?" Stark looked down then back up "I need you to make sure that she does not leave the compound." Vision interrupted "Mr stark i'm not so sure if that's…" Stark silenced him "it's for the public's safety and her own. The last thing we need is her face on the news more that it already is and then something happening." Vision glanced down, he wanted to protect wanda but he knows that she blames herself for all of this. "Alright. I will see to it" Stark nodds then leaves. Vision thinks about the task Mr Stark gave him. For her safety...he could only hope so then makes his way back to the compound.

This chapter was just the start of it all and its point is basically here just for background knowledge. The next few will be some fluff.

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