Chapter 6

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Hello salam

How have you all been

How is coro

I hope we are all fine

It has been a while

Let me bless y'all with this

Enjoy 🌹

So we would ever meet again..... I am so happy... I freaking saw Alhaji Liman Buhari ... I thought he had already kicked the bucket... Ya Allah

" Excuse me sir, are u here??" He said snapping me out of my thought then I realized his hand stretched forward for a shake maybe he said salam... I shaked him saying him replying to his salaam... Then he replied.

"Hello I'm Alhaji Liman Buhari the father if Aidah here all the way from Abuja to see our daughter who seems still unconscious please can we get to see her sir" he pleaded and of course I can't refuse him...

He played a very important role in my life...


It was a Thursday evening, my dad called me out of my room

"Abubakar, where are you, come son" he called

"Yes dad" I said as I happily ran down the stairs

My dad was a Mechanical Engineer .. Sha my dad was a foodie and my mum complains that he eats too much.... But I enjoy it cause I also eat with my dad and he was a junk freak.... So that evening we drove to Grill in n' out where we had dinner and also stopped by to get pizzas and Ice cream.... We were two only but he bought five I didn't know why perhaps we would have double ratio then the last package for mum... She was home yet then

After we finished eating. . We had our junks in a take away package... I held the items we bought... We walked quietly to where our car was parked then we drove out... We were on out way home then we stopped by the side of the road, there were some boys there on the street with the age range of 10-12 years.. They were 3 in number... My dad parked and asked me to call them which I did.....

"Hello how are you" My dad said

"Fine thank you sir" they replied

"Where are your parents kids" he asked cause they looked dirty and emaciated like they haven't eaten for a year

"Our parents are at home, they bought us to the city to learn but we have wicked teachers that send us to beg and bring back whatever we get" they explained

My dad then handed a sum of money I honestly don't know how much and three take away packs to them....

He then said

"Here have this get new clothes "

"Thank you so much sir Jazakallahu Khairan we really appreciate" they said

"Ameen ameen its no big deal.. Ummm listen here well wen you grow up and become someone later in life call three people help them and ask them to also help three people in such a way the world would be a better place for you and i" he said and we left...

On our home he added

"Son u also I believe you have heard everything I said earlier please take it..."

"Yes dad i will in shaa Allah"  i replied..

The next morning

I woke up to my mum saying Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajiun  a day I wont forget ever in my life

My father passed away...
I lost my father....

I actually thought life would stop and all
But know i had to man up
Life became really hard for me and my mother

My father's relatives deprived us of our inheritance..
They took all what my father left behind, the only thing they left for us was the house we were staying in..
Don't they know what Allah said about people like them in the glorious Qur'an

“(As for) those who swallow the property of the orphans unjustly, surely they only swallow fire into their bellies and they shall enter burning fire.” (Surah an-Nisā’ 4:10)
Days turned into months slowly into a year
Life was never easy
I got matured at a very tender age of mine
I knew what life was at a very tender age of mine
Life was tough
Life wasn't easy at all

Few years after my dad passed away 

I lost my mom

My only last hope passed away

The person i would go to when all hopes are lost

The person that tells me it's okay you will be fine...

I lost my mum and I don't expect life to come to a pause cause I lost my mother...
Definately life will go on
But as an orphan..

I got a part time job after school, I will go to the construction site and do some work for some money...

It was time for my examinations
I studied really hard and Alhamdulilah I cane out with straight A's in WAEC  and 310 was my jamb score...

I applied for MBBS (Bachelor in Medcine Bachelor in Surgery) in Ahamdu Bello University Zaria.

During our graduation, the special guest of honor Alhaji Liman Buhari....

At the end of the ceremony, he said he would be sponsoring the best student of that year throughout the University regardless of the course....

Alhamdulilah Allah plans for the best and I was the best student of that year...

I got sponsored by Alhaji Liman Buhari...



Hello Salaam
Where do i start from
I am holding my ears to say a very big sorry..
How is the pandemic going??
It's so sad and disheartening wallah
May we see the end of All this soon

Please take care
Stay home
Stay safe
Please say a prayer for those that have been infected and passed away
May Allah grant them quick recovery
For those that passed away
May Allah grant them Rahma...

I  hope you enjoy
To those that have been with me through this patiently I say a very big thank you

muneyah AhmadNabs
Thank you so much

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