Volleyball and Baby Dolls

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I rolled my heavy luggage up the stone trail leading to the office to my new school. Yup that's right, my parents forced me to go to a boarding school in California to learn 'independence'. I deep down to the bottom of my heart don't want to be here. One, roommates aren't my thing. Two, I don't like school in general so why the hell would I want to live here. Three, I am the most socially awkward person ever. And four, I'm not looking forward to having to pick a stupid sport to play. Like seriously I can't play sports for my life so this is obviously not gonna end well. If God wanted me to run he'd make something to chase me. Mostly I think I'm just scared overall to be here.

The school asked me to come a day early so I can be shown around the place. When I stopped in front of the office doors a man came out who didn't look that old. He was real buff and had brown hair. His eyes were green and he smiled at me.

"Why you must be Kaylize." -I cringed when he used my real name- "Welcome to Idyllwild Arts Academy. Call me Mr. Butler, I work in the office but I also teach P.E." he said and immediately I noticed his British accent.

"Hello Mr. Butler, and it's just Kay." I told him and he brought me into the office.

"So here is your scheduled" -he handed me my schedule- "and I believe you need to choose a sport? We have a choice between swimming, tennis, cross country, volleyball, soccer, basketball, and many more." he said and the thing is I've never played any of those but I've seen my brother play soccer so I guess I'll pick that.

"Um yea I was thinking of choosing soccer sin-"

"Might I suggest volleyball?" he cut me off and I was annoyed already.

"Well actually I've seen my brother play soccer so I think I know the basics."

"Not the same. Volleyball is much better." he told me.

"Ok" I replied and his face brightened.

"Perfect! Volleyball it is! Oh and did I mention I'm the coach for volleyball? I'll send your equipment for the period." and before I could protest he started scribbling on a paper. "Now I believe you know that we have put your roommate as someone familiar with this school." he asked.

"Yea um.... Natalia right?"

"Yes! She does softball." he said with a bit of annoyance in that last part and it is now clear where Mr. Butler stands with sports.  

Then a lady walked in and Mr. Butler handed me off to her so she can give me a tour.

"Let me show you around the dorm." she said to me and she walked me to my room which was medium sized and much nicer than I expected.

There were three beds all evenly aligned and beside the one all the way at the end was a small fireplace made of grey and white stone that looked perfect on the wooden floors. There were two windows that gave a nice view of the city. Then I was led to the small kitchen area with a sink, fridge, microwave, and a couple of wood cabinets that stood out on the marble counter tops. The thing I liked most about the room, since I'd be there the most, was that there was a couch and two desks. I would probably sleep on the couch from being on my phone too much or I'd be on my laptop at the desk.

I put my bags down and we continued the tour with the showers and dining hall. We will be having dinner here later but it will only be me and the student council since technically the first day of school is tomorrow.

 "Now you can stay here and unpack until dinner in which I'll have a student council pick you up. Your uniforms are over there and I guess I'll see you later." she said and left me sitting on the bed that's by the fireplace which would definitely be mine.

I put the sheets that I had brought with me and covered up my bed and because I am a lazy person I went straight to sleep instead of unpacking.


Someone was shaking my shoulder and I slowly started to wake up. At first I almost screamed at some stranger in my room but I realized it must be dinner time.

"Oh good you're awake." the girl said and I stretched out.

"I am not a fan of waking up." I said putting the pillow over my head but the girl just took it.

"Come on, it's dinner time."

"Ok mom." I replied sarcastically as I got up and just threw a sweater over my t-shirt and kept on my jeans that I slept in since I didn't feel like changing. I ignored my uniform which the girl seemed to be wearing and I don't doubt that the rest of student council will be wearing their uniforms either.

She rolled her eyes and motioned me to follow her.

"I'm Jada." She introduced herself. "And you're Kaylize, right?"

"Um it's just Kay." I replied as we entered the dining hall and there were a very small group of student wearing their uniforms and socializing. There was also the lady I met earlier and another teacher talking to her wearing a winter hat even though we are in California and it is hot outside.

"Kay this is the rest of student council. That's Alex, Taylor, the other Jayda, Yusive, Oscar, and Mikey. Guys this is Kay." Jada said and I took a spot in between Alex and Mikey.

I sat and they all started talking to each other about I don't even know what, but I guess they asked me a question because they all stared at me as if I had something to say.

"What?" I said confused and now I felt stupid.

"Where are you from?" Mikey repeated but I was too concerned about his face to reply.

"Dude your face is pink!" I thought out loud... Oops.

Everyone started to laugh as Mikey's face turned more of a redder color. In New York I never saw anyone with a pink face. I knew it wasn't a Cali thing but I was worried about how he looked like Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony. But this was really irrelevant to what they asked so I just dropped the subject when they told me that was his normal face. Then I replied to their question.

"I'm from New York. It's really busy there but once you get used to it you don't seem to mind much." I said and then someone else entered the room and I turned to see a kid in a yellow vest and everyone groaned. He didn't look much older but he definitely wasn't a student.

"So how's it going guys?" The kid asked and I just realized the baby doll he held in his hands. Also is it a thing for people here to have accents?

"What is that?" I asked and the boy looked offended.

"Don't listen to her Emma! Um I think you mean who is that. Well this is my daughter Emma Lee. You get it? Cuz my name is Caspar Lee and Lee is her last name and it sounds like you're saying Emily but you're not." he explained and the look on my face told him I didn't care.

"Caspar what are you doing here?" Oscar asked and Caspar just pointed to his vest.

"As a safety patrol I must monitor you kids at all time." He responded.

"Yea well why do you always have to bring that thing with you?" Taylor asked and Caspar just scoffed and walked off.

"Caspar graduated from this school not to long ago and became a saftey patrol type of person. As you can tell he takes it very seriously." Jayda explained and I just nodded.

Afterwords we ate from a variety of food and they talked while I sat there picking at my beef.

When the dinner was over I practically speed walked to my room. Ok I didn't practically speed walk to my room I did speed walk because I just wanted to sleep some more.

After I got to my room and lay down on my bed I thought about the people I met today. It was odd but it seemed like the people who work here look familiar to me. Like I've seen them before, but I don't know from where. I had this thought stuck in my head as I drifted into a deep sleep.


I love this fricken idea man IM EXCITEDDDDDDD! This is also my first ever YouTube fanfic so.... Yea. Creds to my friends @CashtonHirwin47 and NataliaDev4242564

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