Newt x Reader "You never cared."

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"You are so pathetic!" Gally yells at me for the seventh time today. I was growing irritated, ever since I came up in the Box Gally's been giving me hell. I contemplated punching him in the face regardless of Alby's rule, but like I always say "If you're going to get in trouble for hitting someone, might as well hit them hard.". "Can you do anything right!"

That was the last straw. "Oh shut up!" I pulled my fist back and punched him in the face. He tries to punch me in the face, but I block, holding his arm up in the air. I punch him in the face again, letting him go. He grabs my legs, tripping me. Gally lifts me back up then throws me away. I run over and elbow him in the stomach, twist his arm behind his back. His jaw cracks as I kick his back causing him to crash into the floor. Gally gets up and strikes at me, cutting my lip. Before the fight can go any further, Minho grabs Gally and Ably grabs me from behind.

A few minutes later Gally was patched up and sent to the slammer. He pinned the whole fight on me so now Alby and Newt are going to chew me out. As I put a wet cloth to my bleeding lip and sat down on a chair, the two walked in. "What happened?" Alby questioned.

"My best is never good enough for him, I got sick of the yelling so I punched him in the face," Alby smirked, glanced at Newt and left. Alby knew I liked him and always bugged me about it, this was just another one of his plans to get us together.

"How long has this been going on?" Newt asked. I rolled my eyes. Sure I liked Newt but he was never interested in me, in fact, he barely even spoke to me.

I huffed and turned away. "Why? It's not like you care, you never cared. " I heard Newt come closer, he knelt down in front of me. He put his hand on my shoulder.

"I've always cared (Y/N), the first second I saw you, I could not get over how bloody beautiful you are. The fact that you and Gally keep getting into fights keeps me up at night..." Newt looked down blushing before pressing his lips to mine. I kissed back. Newt pulled away. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes, and I'll try not to fight Gally so much."

---A week later---

Since the day Newt and I began dating, I've only fought Gally once. To be fair, I wouldn't let anyone get away with threatening Chuck.

Right now I'm standing next to Newt how is helping calm the Greenie before he runs into the Maze. I wasn't really listening till I heard Gally threatening the Greenie. "Next time, I'm going to let you leave."

"Oh, you son of a griever!" I punched him in the nose. Alby restrained me in seconds.

"You little," Gally was cut off by Newt.

"Finish that sentence and you'll be in the slammer for a month." Newt took my hand and brought me to our room in homestead. Neither of us said a word, we just cuddled and fell asleep. "I love you (Y/N)."

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