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Vail watched her younger brother die in his best friend's arms, she had cried for months afterwards, she couldn't stay at her adoptive parents house, it just didn't feel right without him, and she couldn't stay with her biological mother and father either because there was her biological mother who would drive her to insanity.

She had and still does love her oldest brother, Dareīn. He had been her best friend growing up, ever sense she was eleven.

Her other older brother Osutīn ,who was younger than Derīn, had loved his brother dearly too, and missed him just as much as Vail, and his way of showing his sadness was locking himself in his bed room and reading, Osutīn had been to Asgard a few times, he was even friends with the princes, so he would probably like the trip away to Asgard just as much as Vail needed it.

She just needed to get away, away from her home on earth, and away from her home on Maces A'Dor (and mainly away from her mother on Maces'Ador).

Vail's biological mother thought it would be best for her to stay on a different realm, her mother had named off quite a few different realms, Vail had said she didn't care where she stayed as long as the people where friendly, and they allow her to stay as long as she need.

Her mother had discussed it with a number of different kings and queens and the only one who agreed to the terms comepleatly was Odin and Frigga the king and queen of Asgard. The main reason of course is to help Vail, but there is another reason there because of Vail's mother(we haven't mentioned her name yet)((be quiet, I was just about to say it))... Vail's mother, queen Yirriah of Lyricith, a region on Maces'Ador.(thank you)((you are not aloud to interrupt the story, these people want to here it just as much as you do))(don't worry, I'll be listening intently, not interrupting)((good))

(The avengers, Loki, Frigga, and Odin are all property of marvel and Norse mythology they are not mine) ((ours)) ((Vail, Derīn, Osutīn, and Yirriah are mine)) (ours) ((what ever, be quiet and let these people enjoy the story)) (ok XD enjoy!)

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