-6- An "Ordinary" Day

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You didn't completely understand Midoriya. "What?" As you looked at him you could tell he was embarrassed and was having a hard time answering. "I'm sorry I meant to say. W-will you go out with me t-tomorrow?!" You blushed and thought it was cute how he asked you out. You thought it would be a good idea. You could both get to know each other better. "Sure." You gave him a smile. You grabbed your bag and the both of you walked home together. "I've gotta go this way," You pointed to the left signaling to a different street than Midoriya's. "See you tomorrow!" You waved bye and he waved back as you walked towards home. When you got home you grabbed a small pillow on your bed and stuffed your face into it. You were embarrassed and excited. You were gonna go on a date with Midoriya! Just then you got a text on your phone. 'Text from: Unknown Person' You looked at the number and couldn't seem to remember it. Maybe a friend got a new phone? But that didn't seem to be the case ounce you read the text. 'What did you do before you got home, Hourglass?' You remembered the one and only person who called you that. It was none other than Bakugo. You replied, 'How did you get my number?!' You waited a bit before he answered. 'That's not important right now answer me. What did you do before getting home?!' You couldn't tell him about walking home with Midoriya or about your plans to go on a date with him. 'I just walked home like normal. I don't get what your so worked up about.' You waited and waited. It was 9:07 when he answered you. 'Meet me in the park by your house. No questions. If your late your dead! You got that, Hourglass?!' You couldn't believe him. Now he's demanding you meet up with him?! You got dressed in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt with All Might on it. You grabbed your phone and headed out towards the park. When you got there you couldn't see Bakugo anywhere. You sat for a little while, still no Bakugo. 'He told you not be late!' You were about to get up and leave when you saw a figure in the dark. You thought it was Bakugo but when you approached you could see that the person was wearing a dark black hoodie and had blue hair. The person seemed like he was lost so you walked towards him thinking maybe you could help him out somehow. "Hello? Are you lost?" You called out. The man turned around and seemed to be smiling. "Yes. Yes, indeed. I'm very lost you see. I was on my way to a friends house and got lost. Could you help me?" He came closer to you wrapping his arm around you. You felt uncomfortable but decided to help him anyways. "S-sure. I just need to know the address." He gave you a big smile though it appeared he needed some chapstick. "Oh that's right! Here, i'll show it!" A purplish black portal appeared behind you and that's when you noticed another figure running towards you and the man. "Stay away from my Hourglass!" You recognized the voice. It was Bakugo! You were surprisingly glad to see him. "Bakugo?!" You yelled directing it at the figure that now appeared from the dark with an angry and terrifying face. The man who now held you by the throat slowly dragged you towards the portal. Bakugo used an explosion propelling him towards you. You and the man were now almost all the way through the portal and Bakugo reached out an arm to grab you but had just missed and you were dragged into the other side of the portal.

Bakugo's POV

As (S/G) was dragged into the portal I tried hard to grab (S/G) but had just missed and that pissed me off. I fell to my knees as the portal closed. 'I lost (Y/N)! I'm so stupid! I couldn't save (S/G) before (S/G) was dragged off to who knows where! How am I going to explain this to the teachers?! What are they gonna do after I tell them?!' Was all I could think. 'What the hell?!'


You found yourself in a room that looked like a jail cell. You looked around though your sight was a little fuzzy. "Well look who's up?" You could hear the voice of a young girl approaching. You felt a sharp blade touch your skin as it pierced through your arm. You could see the blood dripping from the wound that the blade had made. The girl seemed to be the one who did it and she leaned over and licked off the blood that dripped from the wound. You squinted your eyes as you felt the excruciating pain from the open cut. "Ow!" The girl seemed to be loving it. Then you heard the footsteps of another person entering the room. "Toga please stop tormenting our guest."

[Book 1] Baku x Reader x DekuWhere stories live. Discover now