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"Things happen because we choose to, there may be regrets but blaming is not an option."


"Learn to appreciate those people who chose to understand you, with or without problems. Try to think about this, they also have their own problems but still they think of the best word just to make you feel better and lighten your burden."

"Friendship is like wetting your pants. Everyone can see it, but only you can feel the true warmth."

"The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all of your weakness and still thinks you're completely amazing."

"Learn to write your hurts in sand where the waves of forgiveness can erase them easily. But carve you blessings in rocks so no one can wash them away."

"Happiness is in the taste, and not in the things themselves; we are happy from possessing what we like, not from possessing what others like."

"Only god can see the start and end of any situation. He is always in the process of preparing us for the next step forward, from where we are. It may look like the most illogical way to go, but once we take the step, it will become clearer why where there are many plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."

"The person who jokes around, smiles a lot and laughs all the time, is the sweetest person when getting serious."

"Life never turns out the way we want. But we live it the best way we can. There's no perfect life, but we can fill it with perfect moments."

"Whether were helping each other through the rough times or sharing the fun of the good times, it means a lot to me to know we can always count on each other. And though i may not always tell you, i want you to know that i really appreciate you and the genuine bond of our friendship."

 "Perfect life is found in contentment with the things you have, from the love you give, and from faith in God who gives you everything."

"It's true, seeing someone free is the hardest thing to do. Its not the tears you cried that makes it so hard, but the small pieces of hope left inside your heart that someday you'll still end up together."

"I don't know if I'll be able to do things I used to do before, I know I'm getting bitter and i loose everything and yet i still have you, i still have everything i guess cause you to me are everything."

"I was born for you, it was written in the stars, yes, i was born for you and the choice was never ours. its as if the powers of the universe conspired to make you mine."

"The power of God within you, is greater than the pressures around you, keep going God is always with you."

"Today is God's answer to last night's prayer, to live another day, to recover wasted chances, to forgive and be forgiven, and to once again be able to say-thank you Lord, for this brand new day where we can once more know you, love you and serve you better."

"A certain darkness is needed to see the stars."

"A little faith says, God may do it, a bigger faith says God can do it, but a deep faith says, whatever happens God knows what's the best."

"Love forged from the wild core of our hearts."

"Welcome to the karma cafe, there's no menus but you will get served with what you deserve."

"We always wait for the rightr time, not knowing that each time is right, we keep looking forward for tomorrow but really, there's no better time to be happy but now, happiness can't be found at the end of the road. It's the journey itself  that matters."

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