1. boπk

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Schlatt loaded up his second favorite game, city skylines (his first being Minecraft of course.) He loaded into a new game and was instantly confused, why was everything in Russian? He must've miss clicked, but as he went to exit something caught his eye. A small wolf walking across this snow, he hovered over it and read the russian aloud "Boπk" what a weird word, but damn 'why does that sound so hot?' he thought. When he looked down he saw a tent in his pants, he was horrified. Why was this arousing him? When he looked back up boπk was nowhere to be seen. After hours of searching he gave up and turned his monitor off and jumped into his bed. He grabbed a pillow and sobbed into it, 'i miss him so much...' he thought. After that he hadn't left his room for weeks and ignored all of the messages he'd get on discord from his worried friends. He needed to find boπk...

Haha sorry for republishing it here I just wanted a fresh start
Part 2 soon!

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