Scott x Vincent - "The Dare"

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The giant, two story house was blaring pop music while multi-colored lights were strobing out of the windows. Many attendees of the party were playing around in the yard, dancing or making out, or drinking, but none of them were paying attention to Scott, who was standing in front of the pathway that led to the porch, staring at the house in front of him. He was invited by a friend, Mike, who was buddies with the host of this party, Vincent. However, Mike seemed to forget about Scott's shyness and preference to not interact with people, especially people who were as intimidating as Mr. Popular, Vincent Afton. There was no way that small, timid Scott would survive in a room with huge, muscular, attractive, Vincent. It was like a mouse trying to live in the same room as a lion. His legs were frozen stiff.  Scott didn't want to move, but he also didn't want to look stupid in front of all of the classmates he'd seen look over him in class when it was time for group assignments, all of the students who cut him in line for lunch, and the ones who pushed him out of the way to catch up to their friends on their ways to lunch. So, Scott started to move. With every step, his hands shook. This was his first party, as a senior in high school. He was never invited to any when he was younger, mainly because he was so quiet, people forgot he was even enrolled in the school. With what seemed like forever, Scott finally made it to the front door, cringing at the blasting music as he opened the door. A ringing in his ears immediately came as he walked throughout the party, desperately trying to find Mike or a random corner to hide in. As he was blindly walking through the crowds of people, trying to hear his thoughts over the speakers playing an obnoxiously loud "Old Town Road", he bumped into a female, her punch spilling over her fake designer top. Scott's eyes widened as he made his way deeper into the crowd at a fast pace, trying to avoid any confrontation.
"Asshole!" She yelled over the noise. Scott could barely hear, but he felt bad. Finally, he made his way to the dining room, sitting down in the nice chair and sighing. So far, he really just wanted to go home and binge watch Voltron on Netflix, but Mike was his ride, so he couldn't leave. Speaking of Mike, Scott could just barely see him in the kitchen, pressing a girl up against a sink and shoving his tongue down her throat. Scott cringed. He wasn't a huge fan of PDA. He thought that holding hands and things of that nature were fine, but watching couples try to see who could suck the other's face off first was not his cup of tea. He quickly averted his gaze, pulling out his phone and texting Mike to get his attention.

After a few texts, Scott could see that Mike looked at his phone, and that he was walking over, bringing the girl he was making out with over with him.
"Where were you, dude?" Mike asked. Scott nervously pressed his mother's contact on the messages app, thumbs hovering over the keyboard. He wanted to leave, but he didn't want to make Mike disappointed.
"Outside..." He said quietly.  "This is my first party, and it was kind of intimidating with the amount of people here." Mike's face softened. He forgot how introverted Scott could be. Quickly, his expression changed, the alcohol clearly getting to him.
"Well, it's not so bad once you meet a couple of people. Like...hey, Vince!" Scott's heart stopped. In strode the man of the hour, fresh out of a game of Seven Minutes in Heaven, Mr. Popularity himself, Vincent. His hair was a bit on the messier side, clothes wrinkled, and a smudged lipstick mark on the side of his neck.
"Hey," Vincent greeted. "Hey, Scott." Scott felt like he'd died and been resurrected. Of all the people to know his name, Vincent did? How?
"H-Hey..." Scott stuttered, clearing his throat. "I'm surprised you even know who I am."
"Scott, I sit next to you everyday in calculus," Vincent chuckled. "I copy off of your tests. Of course I know who you are." For a moment, Scott felt a bit surprised that he's gotten this far into the year and just now realized that he's been blatantly cheated off of, but then the nervousness came back, causing his hands to shake and heart to beat rapidly.
"Oh...well then," He nervously laughed, typing a quick SOS to his mother.

Scott: Mom they are drinking alcohol and doing drugs at the party please send help

"Hey, a couple of my friends and I are going to start another game. Would you like to come with?" Scott sent the message to his mother and quickly looked up into Vincent's mysterious, pearly eyes and nodded absentmindedly. "Great, " The purple man said. He grabbed Scott by the arm and pulled him into the guest bedroom, the place where the game of Seven Minutes in Heaven happened not too long ago. A bottle was in the center of the room, and around it sat a few fellow students Scott vaguely remembered, as a couple of them were in his classes. (Y/N), Fritz, Jeremy, Doll, and Vendetta were already on the floor, sitting cross-legged. Mike, the mystery girl he was kissing, Vincent and Scott closed the circle as they sat down.
"Who's this, Vincent?" (Y/N) asked as she sipped a bottle of beer.
"Scott. You know, from calculus?" (Y/N) stared a Scott for like a good minute before looking back at Vincent, clearly confused.
"We have a Scott in our class?" Scott sighed. Vincent shook his head and grabbed the bottle that sat in the middle, ready to change the subject.
"We're playing Truth or Dare. When I spin the bottle, whoever it lands on, I'll ask them 'truth or dare' and then blah, blah, blah. You got it?" Scott nodded. Vincent put the bottle back down and spun it, the neck of the bottle scanning every teen who sat in the circle until it landed on (Y/N). Vincent smiled mischievously at his long-time friend.
"Oh (Y/N).~ Truth or dare?" He leaned into the circle and looked (Y/N) right into her (e/c) eyes.
"Dare." She looked right back at Vincent, lowering her eyes.
"Go key your ex's car." (Y/N) smirked.
"Where're your keys?" She asked. Vincent momentarily walked out of the room and came back with his car keys. As he walked back into the room, she walked out, giggling to herself as she made her way out the front door.

As the game went on, everyone pretty much had to either do or say something ridiculous. Mike confessed to peeing the bed until he was 12, Jeremy had to skinny dip in the pool, Fritz had to get penises drawn over his face, and Vincent decided to do a truth and a dare, so he had to talk about how he was traumatized after seeing his grandmother naked while getting his makeup and hair done by (Y/N) and the rest of the group. Finally, Scott was the last one to go, as Mike took the bottle and forcefully pointed it to his direction.
"Truth or dare, bud?" Scott rolled his eyes and said,
"Go into that closet and play Seven Minutes in Heaven with Vincent." Vincent stood up and went over to the closet, stepping into it and suggestively beckoning Scott with a finger before closing the doors.
"What is wrong with you?!" Scott mouthed to Mike. Mike didn't say anything back. He just held his two index fingers up and brushed them against each other, insinuating that Scott and Vincent would have sex before the night was over. Scott groaned and slipped into the closet, noticing that it was more cramped than he thought.
"Timer's on!" Fritz announced. Vincent looked down at Scott who was looking in every other direction that Vincent wasn't in.
"You didn't have to agree to the dare if you didn't want to, you know." Scott made the mistake of looking at the taller male, causing him to get flustered.
"No. It's fine. I w-wanted to." Vincent tilted his head to the side and Scott did the same, but in the opposite direction.
"Well, then you obviously know how this game is played then right?" Vincent said as he and Scott both leaned in to share a kiss.

Fun fact: after Fritz started the timer, everyone in the room left, closing the door behind them.

I think I'm going to alternate between putting cursed images and FNaF memes at the end of chapters just because I can (unless the chapter is on the more serious side of things, then obviously, since I don't want to ruin the flow, I'm not going to ...

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I think I'm going to alternate between putting cursed images and FNaF memes at the end of chapters just because I can (unless the chapter is on the more serious side of things, then obviously, since I don't want to ruin the flow, I'm not going to do it).

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