Exposing Celebrities' Instagram Part One Hundred Twenty-One

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Expsoing.Celebrities: Other things that happened last night, Camila and Bridget met, what Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner think of Shawn and Bridget's Performance, and what people in the audience thought of the performance
👥: Bridget.Marais, Shawnmendes, Joejonas, Spohiet
❤: 2,738,828 people liked
💬: 829,828 people commented
Bridget.Marais: Oh my god!

Beautychickee: What? Bridget.Marais

Bridget.Marais: A Jonas brother, Taylor Swift and other celebrities noticed me😫 Beautychickee

Gabbieegonzalez: That's all you care about? Bridget.Marais

Bridget.Marais: Well there is another thing...  Gabbieegonzalez Beautychickee

Tatedoll: What? Bridget.Marais

Bridget.Marais: I became friends with Camila Cabello! Tatedoll Beautychickee Gabbieegonzalez

Shawnmendes: You're crazy Bridget.Marais

Bridget.Marais: I know :)  Shawnmendes

Shawnmendes: Its cute Bridget.Marais

Camila_Cabello: I usually don't go to "drama pages", but it was amazing meeting you, we should hangout when you get back to LA Bridget.Marais

Bridget.Marais: Of course, we should set it up soon💜 Camila_Cabello

Camila_Cabello: Also you and Shawn were cute last night, had an amazing time third wheeling ;) Bridget.Marais

Bridget.Marais: Haha sorry, Camila_Cabello

Camila_Cabello: Anytime💜 Bridget.Marais

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