Chapter 1 Beginning of a New Semester

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It was a Monday morning on April 13th, 2009 when I left my home to attend a class at Valleyvillage Community college. I wasn't much for words in the morning, at least not untill I had my coffee. Still, I managed to find the strength to pry myself from bed and get dressed. I quickly pulled on a pair of black denim shorts, my Slipknot T-shirt, and fastened my boots before running outside. The dark makeup on my face contrasted against my pale skin. "Shit!" I yelled as I ran back inside almost forgetting my phone.
I rushed back to my car putting the key in and backing out of the driveway.

It was a beautiful sunny day when I pulled into the schools parking lot, still sipping the coffee I had stopped for on the way there. The cold liquid dampening my black lips. I parked and sat for a minute, hesitant to go inside. I stared at the front of the college. The sign read "800 Theatre. " That must be where the class was taking place. I was nervous at first, I was never very good at making friends. I was always a pretty shy girl, but also didn't care much what people thought. Most of the time, I just kept to myself. I never really pictured myself attending a theatre class, even being as 'artsy' as I am. Grabbing my phone, I shuffled out of the car, locking the door behind me. I made my way to the door, my boots thumping as I walked. I soon found my classroom and took a seat in the back, away from everyone else.

As I sat alone, I studied the group in front of me. Surprisingly, there weren't very many of us. A hand full at most. There were three girls, and three guys all talking at the same time. As none of them paid attention, I could hear a loud muffling of words just outside the door. "Dear Father God and Jesus please let the students behind this door be the most energetic, most inspiring, determined actors Akron Ohio has ever seen, Amen." A man's voice spoke as if he were speaking to someone. "Time to watch prayer in action, let's go." I quickly pointed my attention to the front of the room as a man with dark 'bowl cut' hair stepped in from the door and stood at the podium. He stood for a few minutes, pacing as if he didn't know what to say. He looked at the group, his tan skin glossy with fear. The young teacher looked as if he might be sick. The room was so silent you could hear a pin drop. At that moment the teacher let out a sigh, turning around to lean his forehead on the wall. "Son of a bitch!" He cried as he turned to face us again. "Welcome your first day in beginning theatre -" He was sharply cut off by female student asking "When is our teacher getting here?" He grinned. "He will be here in 5 seconds!" With a smile the nervous teacher faced away again gathering his composer and getting into 'character.' He turns around. "Ta-da!" He says with a nervous chuckle. "I am uh- Alex Rimmer, I will be your theatre mentor this semester-" Alex explained before being cut off again by another student. "How old are you twenty five, twenty six?" The guy closest to me asked. "Twenty four." Mr. Rimmer softly answered. The rest of the class continued asking questions while talking over each other, almost taunting Mr. Rimmer. I sat back quietly as he broke through the chatter. "Okay, I think I know what's going on here." Alex explained. "Its the first day of class, and we're all a little nervous and on edge and I know what you're thinking; I don't want to make myself look stupid in front of the hot chick on the first day." Mr. Rimmers eyes locked on to mine. My face burned  with embarrassment, as my heart fluttered uncontrollably. "Does he really think that about.. Me?" I thought to myself. "That's not what we're thinking." A guy with a slightly feminine voice protest. "Well I was thinking it, okay?" Mr. Rimmer loosened his stare from me to the rest of the class. "Damn, did he really just say that?" I thought to myself.

As class drew on Mr. Rimmer continued his lecture on theatre arts and what his goals for us this semester were.  He asked us various questions testing our knowledge of the sport. "Now, you all have to know what a type cast is, how many of y'all know what a type cast is?" Mr Rimmer questioned. Before I even had time to think, the girl in the front raised her hand and blurted out the text book definition. I rolled my eyes in disgust. "Nothings worse than a teachers pet." I thought, feeling a bit of jealousy. "Alright good, sh.. shutup-" Mr Rimmer quickly cut her off. All I could do is giggle to myself. Alex then made examples of all of us students. "I can easily type cast you all on the spot." He assured. He began pointing. "The jock, the best friend, the ugly chick, the outcast-" He moved to the girl who had answered his question. "The slut." Alex moved to point at me. "And the hot piece of ass." My eyes grew wide. "Mr. Rimmer-" I muttered. Just then I noticed 'the jock' from across the room staring at my cleavage within the cut in my shirt. I rolled my eyes and pulled up my shirt. He quickly turned his head, pretending he had an itch. "Real smooth." I thought. Mr. Rimmer continued. "Now I want you all to try me, what would you cast me as?" The students began to throw insults as casting types. Suddenly The guy closest to me blurted out "The sexy piece of shit." The room fell silent as everyone turned to look at him in disgust. I couldn't stop my laughter. "Oh my god yes." I agreed, looking at a now dumbfounded Alex. I quickly cleared my throat and slumped down in my chair. I was in utter disbelief of what I just said. "Sorry." I softly apologized.

Several minutes pass during the lecture. I suddenly feel a paper ball being thrown hard at my shoulder, I turn to see the jock smiling devilishly towards me. "You wish Pal." I scoffed in a whispering voice. Mr. Rimmer then began to wrap up the class by walking to the back. "I'm going to be standing out here on your way out-" He quickly stops and starts to pull down the shirt on the guy closest to me's gigantic gut. "Oh, god pull that down." He said awkwardly and quickly heads back to the door. "I'm going to be handing out flyers, they have my name, number, email address, all that jazz, I'd like you to pick one up on your way outout, and uh- yeah had a lot of fun today." Everyone walked out of the room, throwing their papers in the garbage. I was the last one left. Mr. Rimmer waited patiently by the door for me. I finished packing up my things and moved towards him. We locked eyes once again, this time I was so close, I could breathe him in. He smelled like a mix of cologne and fabric softener. His brown eyes pierced mine. "Hey, thanks so much for the advice on how to perform well, I learned a lot on my first day, and I love your energy." I proclaimed as he blushed and look down at the floor. He came up to look at me again. "It's my pleasure, what was your name?" I smiled and bit my lip nervously. "It's y/n." My heart pounded. His lips parted in a smile revealing the partial gap between his front teeth. I had always loved that feature, it made me melt. "Well, wow that's uh- really pretty name." I could feel a knot in my stomach. "Hey, I'm really sorry about earlier I was just poking fun with offensive humour, it's pretty much impossible not to offend someone these days right?" He laughed. Our laughter filled the empty hall. "Well, I wasn't offended.. Actually I kind of liked it." His face went blank. "Well I should probably get home, I have a cat I need to feed, thanks Mr Rimmer see you tomorrow!" I ran out the door before he could get a word out, still holding the paper he gave me in my grasp. I couldn't believe it. I had never had feelings for someone like this, especially not a teacher. "Oh shit, this is going to suck." I thought to myself as I left the school parking lot.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2019 ⏰

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