Spilling ExplosionMurder and Allmightfan715 tea

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Mochity: So I turned off my phone and stood up and looked at them both
Mochity: And I said "Who wants icecream!!"
Mochity: deku-kun got so happy over that kdbdns
Kalamari: awwww
Stronk: pure
Mochity: Katsuki just grunted though 🙄
Kalamari: 🙄
Stronk: 🙄
Tapeman: 🙄
ColdAss: Uh, 🙄? I want to be included.
Mochity: Good! You're so precious Shoto 😌
ColdAss: Oh, thank you Uraraka. Continue your story please.
Mochity: Oh! Right!!
Mochity: so, Katsuki grunted and then he said he will come if it means Deku-kun wont lay on him when we get back
Kalamari: 👀
Mochity: Deku-kun said no promises and Katsuki got so mad kdbdn
Mochity: He yelled at and I had to STOP HIM FROM DOING DAMAGE!!
Kalamari: thats what that noise was?
Stronk: oh u heard somethin BUT YOU SAID NOTHING?!
Stronk: 🤭 what that mean tho
Tapeman: oop-
Tapeman: Izu you have explaining to do
Mochity: He cant rn
Tapeman: why??
Mochity: Well let me tell my story and youll know why Sero
Tapeman: sorry, my apologies
Tapeman: continue
Mochity: Its like you three share the same braincell
Tapeman: well-
Stronk: I meeeeeean
Kalamari: we really do but hanny has them all most of the time
Kalamari: no bakky does
Tapeman: I told you to not call me hanny dude
Kalamari: you want me to call you serry?
Tapeman: n o
Kalamari: WELL ITS EITHER SERRY OR HANNY OKAY?! okay now think it over as occhy finishes the story
Mochity: Thank you!
ColdAss: Um, sorry but I want to say something before you continue.
Mochity: That's fine!! You may!
Kalamari: 🙄
ColdAss: Hanny sounds and looks better than Serry. Serry makes me think of Siri.
ColdAss: You can continue.
Mochity: Gladly!
Kalamari: thank u 4 the input
Kalamari: 🤭 sorry occhy ily
Mochity: ily2
Mochity: SO
Mochity: I stopped Katsuki and grabbed their hands
Mochity: forgot my phone so thats why I wasnt texting or anything :(
Mochity: so yes, I did not get pictures
Stronk: WILL HE SEND?!
Mochity: Hush children, listen to the story.
Kalamari: yes mom
Stronk: sorry mom 😔
Mochity: So we got to the icecream place, got our icecream and sit down to eat
Mochity: It was quiet at first, just eating the icecream then suddenly Katsuki nudged Deku-kun to make his icecream get on his face
Mochity: It was rude but if course Katsuki was laughing at him
Mochity: Deku-kun then nudged Katsuki which made his icecream get on HIS face
Mochity: I told them to stop it cause Katsuki was about to hit Deku-kun with his icecream
Mochity: They stopped and Deku-kun took out his phone and took a picture of Katsuki
Mochity: Katsuki wasn't happy with that and told him to delete it
Mochity: He said he did and sorry Deku-kun but he didn't cause he sent it to me on the walk back
Mochity: Don't worry though! Katsuki took picture too, I witnessed it but of course Deku-kun didn't notice
Mochity: We had some laughs and talked, nothing too special :)
Mochity: When we got back to their rooms, they were pooped!
Mochity: Even though they just ate icecream
Kalamari: have you ever eatn icecream?? that shit makes you hella tired for no damn reason
Stronk:..I don't think you eat ice cream
ColdAss: Oh.
Tapeman: No more questions about his eat habits, Bakugou and Midoriya died.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2020 ⏰

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