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Knock knock

I'm drawn out of my thoughts by knocks on the door. I glance over at the clock on the wall. HOLY SHIT. 9:07.

"Hey it's Avani for your room check."

I run a hand through my hair. "Uh- gimme a second, I'm coming."

I run as quietly and fast as I can without busting my ass.

Think. Think.

The shower!

I run over to the bathroom and start the shower. Then close the door

"Hey A-vani, was-wasup?" I say panting leaning against the doorframe.

"Ya know- room check.. as usual."

I slap my forehead, acting oblivious, "haha.."

"So Chase is taking a shower right now.."

She looks at me, as she checks stuff off her roomcheck list. It's funny because 2 out of the couple things on the checklist are to make sure both students are in the room. I mean technically she can't say we aren't but she's also not allowed to go into the bathroom so hey.

She opens our drawers looks under our pillows, under our beds and mattresses, and a couple other little places,

"Okay you're all set, have a good night!"

I sigh internally, this is the most stressful thing I've ever done in my life. "You too avani."

I give her a quick smile, I always liked Avani, she never gave me a problem, she was probably the only genuinely nice person that works here. She's also probably the youngest, it seems like she's younger than me.

I waited for hours, until I here something hit the window, it startled me but also relieved me, I realized that Chase was back. I go and open the curtain and see him leaning  over with one hand against the glass. Concerned I rush to open the latch. 

"Opening the fucking window." He croaks while stumbling in. He takes his shirt off and falls onto his bed, closing his eyes. I lean over and see a series of bruises on his ribs and hipbones.

In a worry I run to his bed.

"Chase what the fuck is on your-

He aggressively grabs my hand after I touch a bruise on his left hipbone. Then our eyes meet,

"Didn't I say no questions." He says sternly while raising an eyebrow.

"Chase that was not the deal, you didn't tell me you'd be coming back super fucked up-

He cut me off.

"I don't and wouldn't expect you to understand so I need you to stay out of it,"  

his eyes soften.

"Please." He says while still holding onto my hand that's resting lightly on his hipbone to make sure I don't hurt him.


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