Hate Accounts

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                  Tuesday, the 28th of July
         This is so unbelievably dumb. Like, it's kinda sad. Hate accounts have been around so long it's actually funny. And I've been here for seven years. But how people handle it always annoys me. I'm guilty of it myself. They'll tell everyone they know.


Then the hate account gets attention, exactly what they wanted. You can't feed them any form of energy, sure they can piss you off. But think about it, this sad little shit just took time out of their day to make an entire account dedicated to not liking you.

In the span of seven years, I've had three hate accounts and I've dealt with them all the same way. Feeding into it. Instead of just getting the homies to gang-report. I entertained it.

And another one thing that annoys me the most, it's when you can easily tell the hate account is made by the person complaining about it. That shit is so stupid, do you want attention that bad where you had to make a hate account for yourself? You have people out here actually being cyber bullied and you're gonna make a hate account for yourself? That's insensitive and unbelievably pathetic.

What I just need to get off my chest is that this shit needs to stop. You're always gonna meet someone you don't like, that's life. Making a hate account for that person that you don't like instead of handling the situation and mature fashion, makes you look bad. The Wattpad community needs to do better.

I'm sorry for the rant guys, but something needed to be said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2020 ⏰

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