This I Believe

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Since a young age, there was not a moment when I did not have a pet. From Scratchy, Ginger, Pearl, Pickles, and Bushi, my house has been filled with cats since day one, making me become a cat lover myself - even though I secretly enjoy dogs more despite me not having one of my own. But no matter what type of animal people enjoy more, I believe every family should have a pet.

I believe every family should have a cuddly friend to always be by their side, from a dog, a guinea pig, spider, or even the not so cuddly pets like a fish, my personal favorite animal. An animal gives people a companion that will always be there no matter what happens. Even if the animal dies, they would forever be in their owners heart and will forever be with them. Pets are people that would judge their owners ugliest moments and people that would never talk bad about us or betray us, even though it feels like they are when they leave their side for someone else. So therefore owners will never have to be lonely in life, because their pet will always be there to keep them company when they need it.

I believe that pets give young children and teens a chance to learn some survival skills if they have not already learned any. Pets help teach people how to take care of someone or something. Before getting a pet, owners learn that they have to feed and clean up after it, and getting a pet is great practice to do these things. Without knowing it, the tedious tasks of feeding, giving them water, cleaning its living area, and cleaning its feces is subconsciously teaching them to do these things for themselves or other people.

Pets not only help people out in lots of ways, people help pets out numerous ways. No matter how owners get the pet or where they got it, they adopt a pet. Pet owners take their pet from its previous environment, and hopefully give it a better home where someone can love them. Not only do they depend on owners to give them food and water, most pets depend on their owners to be happy and loved just like we can depend on them, so it is a two way relationship. Adopting pets give pets endless opportunity to give pets a better life, which is amazing because some pets have bad lives and are probably living in bad places, or do not have a place to live at all.

Although I have never not had a pet, I can tell that people who have pets are superior over people who don't. They learn life skills that non-pet people might not learn until they have to learn for themselves, and they have a companion to be at there side forever. Also pet people help out animals that might not be able to fend for itself, and give back to their community by taking in a pet. So that is why I believe that every family should have a pet. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2019 ⏰

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