Courts and Races

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Humans live in the Mortal Lands and rarely come to Prythian (where faeries live)

High Fae are noble born and are much more powerful than lesser faeries. They often have high positions in their courts.

Lesser faeries have more distinct features like tree bark skin or pig snout or wings. They are not as powerful and tend to either be servants in the courts or live in villages.


Seasonal Courts:
Spring Court- the southernmost Court. Very pretty and close to nature, as the birds are always singing and there are lovely glades in the forest. Borders the human lands.
Summer Court- The weather is perpetually summer and very hot! This court is right next to the sea and it's capital city Adriata is very beautiful
Autumn Court- the people of this court's magic is normally fire. It is quite chilly but picturesque as the leaves are always breathtakingly colourful.
Winter court- this icy court's beauty is dazzling. Merry communities lie nestled in blankets of snow.
Solar Courts:
Dawn Court- this is the most beautiful of all the courts. It has sunrise themed architecture and the buildings have dazzling features such as fish pools in the ground.
Day Court- the court of spells. Everything is golden and shining, creating a magnificent glowing aura around everyone and everything.
Night Court- split up into the court of nightmares (the Hewn City- full of darkness and horror and revelry) and the Court of Dreams (Velaris, the city of starlight. The most amazing and peaceful city ever!)


PM me if you want to add something!


"imagine a underwater beyond mortal comprehension....a place where something slumbers....A monster who if awoke, even death itself may die." Damian_luciferion < go hit follow

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