Frozen Cherry Blossoms

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Frozen Cherry Blossoms
By Emily Chenowith
    Once upon a time, there was a noble who lived in a kingdom in the far, far north. Her name was Snowbelle and she was revered by many in the kingdom for being exceptionally lawful and just. She was so just, in fact, that she could give a convict the right sentence in just a matter of a few minutes.
    But, far away, far to the south of the snowy plains that stretched past the border of the snowy kingdom, lived a princess living in the Kingdom of the Cherry Blossoms. She was spoiled beyond belief and she believed that everything she laid her eyes on or had her ears hear was hers. Only hers. And when she heard about how amazing Snowbelle was at law and justice, she had to have her.
    So, the princess of the Cherry Blossoms ordered her best guards to the northern kingdom, so far away. They got on their horses and donned their best armor for the cold. The guards had travelled day after day, night after night. Through the plains, the mountains, the forests and when the guards finally reached the north, they knew they were where they needed to be.
    With one last push, they entered the Northern Kingdom, telling the guards at the frozen gate in front of them that they had some business with the king to attend to. They were allowed to enter and they were escorted to a beautiful castle made of beautiful, blue ice. Sharp pointed spires and towers loomed over all of them, glittering gracefully in the bright winter sunlight.
    A loud, icy crack sounded as the cold gate to the gorgeous palace opened for them. The Cherry Blossom guards were lead on once more.
    All the while, Snowbelle was pacing in the king's throne room, anxious as to why she was here. She had now cases to do nor did she do any wrongdoing. So, she curiously wondered why she had to be there in that royal room.
    As soon as the Cherry Blossom guards entered the royal throne room, Snowbelle looked over towards them, having been startled by their entrance. When she finished looking them over, she turned around completely. The king had looked at them from his throne and he started to speak with them. When the Cherry Blossom guards mentioned Snowbelle, the room had gone completely silent.
    "Let us explain, your great majesty," one of the guards said to the king of the Northern Kingdom. "The lovely princess of the Kingdom of the Cherry Blossoms has been... admiring Snowbelle for quite some time. She had proposed a deal so she could at least see her in action."
    "And what might that deal be?" The king said in his demanding, royal tone. He wasn't going to let his best jury woman go to another kingdom so soon.
    "Well," another guard started. He was making up a deal so he could please the princess and keep Snowbelle in the Cherry Blossom Kingdom till her last breath. A small bit of nervous sweat dripped down the back of his neck. "Her Majesty wanted to allow you to give up Snowbelle for one year's time and she said she would give you anything and everything if you ever ask."
    "Is there anything more to this deal?" The king said, furrowing his brow and narrowing his eyes so he could be clear on all of the details of the aforementioned "deal."
"N-no, sire," the second guard stammered out.
The king sighed and said, "Fine, then. Take her and bring her back within a year's time. If Snowbelle isn't back within the walls of my kingdom by then, the Northern Kingdom will have no other choice but to fight. Do you understand?"
"Yes, sire," both guards said as they allowed Snowbelle to go on the extra horse they had brought along with them.

"Dismissed. You may go," the king said and the guards, along with Snowbelle left for the Kingdom of the Cherry Blossoms. The journey heading back there was just as treacherous as the one going to the Northern Kingdom. There was a rockslide in the mountains, a wolf pack attack in the forest, and a shortage of food in the plains. But the trio had made it to the kingdom safe and sound.
When the Cherry Blossom Princess finally laid her eyes on Snowbelle, her excitement and joy rose. She finally got to meet and use her new little "toy" for the first time. The princess had given orders to the white haired juror to stand to the royal courtroom for every case there and had shown her the room she would stay in: a dreary dungeon cell. It had only a concrete shelf for a bed, a thin rag for a blanket, a tiny pillow, a bucket for bodily wastes, and a few wooden shelves with a few empty glass jars.
Snowbelle felt a sense of dread when she entered the small, dull room. She knew she could possibly stay here for all eternity. She started to hope that her friends and fellow citizens of the Northern Kingdom would save her.
The first case would only be the start of a long two years for Snowbelle. With every passing day and every finished case, she only hope to return to her beloved cold kingdom. Soon, a year has passed. And she knew both her king and the kingdom was lied to. She wasn't returned to the Northern Kingdom at that point. Then Snowbelle realized the terrible mistake the Kingdom of the Cherry Blossoms had made.. Both kingdoms would be headed to war in probably a matter of weeks, maybe even days.
Meanwhile, in the Northern Kingdom, the highest council was speaking with the king. They were infuriated, enraged at the fact they had been so gullible. They couldn't believe they had fallen for a trap that was set up by two foolish guards from a foolish little kingdom. They had talked and talked and came to one conclusion... they would fight their way into the Kingdom of the Cherry Blossoms and take back Snowbelle.

They planned out this fight, which they knew would probably be long and drawn out. Then the day came around for the battle. Hundreds, if not thousands of Northern Kingdom citizens, soldiers, and high classmen alike headed towards their opponent. When they reached the Kingdom of Cherry Blossoms, they attacked without warning, causing the enemy citizens to fall into panic. And so, a fierce battle flared to life.
Many injuries and deaths happened on both sides. But the Northern Kingdom never gave up on getting Snowbelle back. Soon enough, their adversary fell and Snowbelle was released from her pitiful prison. She knew the entire kingdom was happy she was safe. And she also knew that the kingdom learned to never trust anyone unless they're true to their word.
And when the Northern Kingdom started their journey home, the Kingdom of Cherry Blossoms froze over and so, everyone lived happily ever after.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2019 ⏰

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