Worth It

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It was late in the afternoon. SHINee's dressing room was filled with voices and the usual hustle bustle of stylists and staff right before a concert . All the members were busy preparing for the concert which was going to start just an hour from now. In the corner of the room Minho was sitting on an arm chair. One look and you could tell that he is just physically present there and his mind is off to a faraway place. He was, all dressed up and ready for the concert, deep in thoughts. Same thoughts that have been bothering him for quite some time now.

He was again questioning his life. The consequences of being a celebrity. How he lived his past eleven years. Back when he auditioned for SM he was full of energy, hopes, new dreams but now after many years he achieved all those but was getting tired of the life that came with it. He couldn't go out with friends as he pleased, play as much as he want, go on dates as normal people do. Being in the spotlight always, was making him tired now. Now that he had fame, money, popularity he was questioning himself was it all worth it. Was it all worth that he left a normal life and became a celebrity where he has to think twice thrice before doing something just because people won't like it.
His train of thoughts was interrupted when Key and Taemin passed by him. Taemin was trying to show some magic trick using Key's scarf and Key was frowning at him, trying to talk him into giving the scarf back. Watching them playing around it hit Minho in that moment the things he was neglecting, was missing out on by only thinking about the side effects. He let himself sink in negative thoughts so much that he couldn't see the things he gained. His members, their love, their bonding, the chosen family, the fans.

He realised if he is to leave this life behind it means he is leaving his members too. How can he imagine his life without constantly bickering with Kibum but still being there for each other. How will he live if there's no more Jonghyun to annoy, to share meals, to receive words of encouragement. Who will he take care of as his own younger brother, which he never had, if Taemin is going to disappear. And who will be there to have his back, to give him advice, to be his strength if he is leaving Onew behind. The thought of all this made his shudder. They went through thick and thin together, celebrating happy days like there's no tomorrow and sharing each other's sorrows and pains by sticking together. It was all too much to be overshadowed by passing moments of regret, longing for a more normal life.

Just then the clock in the room buzzed and Onew announced that it was finally the time to meet the fans again. Onew Jonghyun Key Taemin together with some staff were standing in a circle for their usual cheering. Jonghyun again called for Minho to hurry up. Minho stood from his chair with a new hope and new determination and skidded towards them with a sweet smile. SHINee did their cheering and on cue popped on stage singing the intro all the while minho eyeing the members lovingly. Fans cheered loudly and watching them Minho realized again that they too are now part of his family, his heart and he can't live even without these shining SHINee fans. Being with the members and with the fans in that moment making new happy memories was all worth it.

Author's Note: It's my very first piece of work hope you enjoyed. Any constructive criticism, appreciation, feedback is highly appreciated. ☺️

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