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Chapter Three

Stepping into the classroom, I immediately see Haley's strawberry blonde hair and I quickly make my way to the seat next to her. She was so indulged on her phone game that it took her entirely too long to notice me. But when she does, she smiles at me.

"You left me." I mutter at her while pulling out my notebook for class. She gives me a guilty smile.

"You we're doing that thing again." She says while pointing at me, moving her finger up and down. I raise an eyebrow at her.

"What thing?" She looks at me like I'm the most clueless human to ever exist.

"That one lost in thought thing that you're just so notorious for doing." She says gruffly while rolling my eyes. I chuckle and decide to keep my lips shut because she's not exactly wrong.

A middle aged man with a beer gut walks in with a bright smile pasted on to his face. I let my shoulders relax once I see that he won't be an uptight teacher. A hard class is bad enough as it is, but a hard class paired with a shitty teacher is even worse. Thankfully that won't be the case for this class.

The rest of class slowly ticks by, and at the end I've got 50 minutes worth of notes scribbled into my notebook. The dismissal bell rings and I exhale while loading my things into my bag.

Haley walks me to my second period class, English. She gives me a quick smile before making a left down a new hall.

Walking into the class, my stomach immediately tightens as I see not only Veronica and her side kick, but Sterling and his group of muscles up monsters too. I bite the inside of my cheeks while picking a seat near the left towards the back. I slide into the cold seat and nervously play with my fingers. I hear the seat next to me screech against the tiled floor and I look to see who the culprit is. My green eyes widen as I see Wesley's mop of chocolate brown hair and his hazel eyes.

He gives me one of his million dollar smiles before crossing his arms and taking in my appearance. Way to be subtle, dude.

"Mystery girl." He says, except it sounds more of like a statement. I raise an eyebrow at him, internally groaning. It's too early for this, please just go back to your other model friends.

"That's me, don't wear it out." I say and his rosy lips contort into a loose smile. He leans forward and tilts his head towards me, widening his colgate smile.

"I'll never stop bothering you until you tell me your name, you know that right?" he says and I just blankly blink at him. He chuckles, "so you might as well just give me a name." I huff before realizing that there is no winning this for me. I debate whether or not I should give him a fake name but the. I realize that there was too many possibilities of that being exposed. Like for example, the teacher calls out my real name, or maybe even he sees me write down my real name on a paper.

"Uh fine, it's Sage." I say in defeat. His hazel eyes sparkle a little. I can't help but notice how pretty his eyes are and how sculpted his face really is. Almost like a Greek God.

"Sage?" He asks with a raised eyebrow. I nod slowly.

"That's unique, I like it." He says and I feel my cheeks light up. I avoid looking into his eyes anymore and settle on my hands.

"Thank yo-" I'm cut off by more chairs screeching against the floor once again, except from behind me. I try to not let my jaw drop to the floor when I see the rest of the muscle monsters sitting behind me. Directly behind me is Daniel Matthews, who is more or less the goofy little brother of the group. Sitting next to him is Julian Axford, and surprise surprise, now next to Wesley is Sterling.

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