Special: Flex and Lilian

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*Athanasia was in her room drawing a picture when a thought came into her mind*

I wonder why Lily and Flex won't get together they look soo cute though Athanasia

Lilian and Flex blushed a whole spade of red

I was wondering that as well my daughter said Diana which a smile on her face

*Lilian and flex blushed even red and moved away from each other*

ah what wrong guys the way I see it Athanasia is right you guys love each other deeply said the dark-haired boy with red eyes

why you little brat said Flex 

*the boy disappeared before flex could catch him*

*a lightbulb appear above Athanasia head*

i know what I can do now said Athanasia with an evil smirk on her face

*Lilian and Flx both look nerves*

do your best Athanasia said Diana as she cheers on her daughter

*Claude rolls his eyes*

*Later that morning Athanasia was walking through the garden with Lilian and Flex. Lilian was holding Athanasia right hand while Flex was holding the left*

now my chance though Athanasia

*Athanasia runs off in the flower bed*

don't run off too far yelled Lilian

*there was silence in the air between both of them*

what the? where the romance and the kissing though Athanasia

it's nowhere to be found said Diana as she hopes the same thing would happen for the both of them

alright that's it time to improve this sense thought Athanasia

Just what are you planning Princess said Flex

*Athanasia runs towards Lilian legs causing her to fall on flex where both on their lips meet*

oooooooo, my brittant matchmaker, you said Diana excitedly

Claude shakes his head embarrassed

Lilian and Flex blushed even redder

Athanasia rubs off her hands

my work here is done said Athanasia as she walks back to the Ruby castle

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