Chapter 2

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Alex's POV

I woke up at 6:30 AM and it was still dark out. I felt good but than I remembered who was coming over after school.

I wasn't excited about it but it might not be all that bad.

I walked downstairs hating the feeling of the cold stairs on my bare feet. I walked into the kitchen and got some fruit loops for breakfast.

When I finished eating my mom and Riley were awake. Riley was my older brother. My mom and dad are separated but I'm with my mom right now.

I walked back up to my room to get dressed. I put on a pair of jeans with a lime green shirt that had a face on it. I sprayed on the tiniest bit of cologne and slipped on my socks.

I bounced downstairs and picked up my book bag. By now it was 7:00. I still had 15 minutes until I had to go out and wait for the bus.

I sat down on the couch and watched tv for 13 minutes.

I got off the couch turning the tv off and I went into the porch. I slipped on my shoes, gave my mom a quick hug and I left.

I stood at the very edge of my driveway and soon I saw the bright yellow bus with the tinted windows down the street and coming towards me.

I hopped on the bus once it stopped in front of me and didn't bother looking around. I just sat in the sixth seat from the front.

Once the bus finally arrived at school I hopped off and saw Brady, Devon, Logan, Dylan, and Thomas in a little group waiting on the sidewalk of the school.

I walked over and just stood next to them not saying a word. Brady and Dylan said hi but Devon and Logan just kept talking.

"Wanna go inside?" Logan asked. We all said yes and made our way through the front entrance, down the stairs, through the door, and through the cafeteria.

I looked to my left and saw Kaitlyn, Gillian, Hailey and Hope in their usual spot.

There were 3 tables lined up and one end was pressed against the wall. The little group of four always sat in the middle row at the very back.

They all looked our way and I saw Kaitlyn nudge Gillian which made Gillian blush. Everyone thinks she has a crush on me and some think I have one on her but I don't. I don't know if she has one on me but if she does its grouse and I'm not interested.

We all walked up another set of steps and into the hallways of the school where tons of kids were walking and trying to get through the crowd and to their lockers.

We did laps around the school for a bit just talking and laughing when I bumped into someone and we both fell. Thank god the hallways weren't to crowded.

I turned my head and saw it was Gillian.

"Sorry." Gillian said quickly trying to stand up. I stood up first and offered to help her. She took my hand and I pulled her up.

"Are you okay? I'm really sorry I wasn't watching where I was going." I said rubbing the back of my neck.

By now the guys had left. Great. (Note the sarcasm)

"I'm fine. I'll see you in class okay?" Gillian said slowly walking off.

"Okay." I said and went the separate way.

I never notice how beautiful Gillian's eyes were...

Wait..... No.....

I shook my head just as the bell rang and I made my way to home room.


After School


I sat on the bus in the seat in front of Kaitlyn. When I first got on Kaitlyn looked at me and smirked. I knew she was referring to Gillian coming over in an hour.

"So... Gillian's going to your house huh?" Kaitlyn asked. I knew she already knew the answer but I slightly nodded my head.

"Don't have to much fun now." Kaitlyn smirked and sunk back in her seat.

I sighed and waited for my stop.


I walked in the door and went straight to my mom saying a quick hi to my mom.

I closed my bedroom door and changed my shirt. I put on a plain red t-shirt. I put on a tiny amount of axe cologne and my deodorant.

I looked at the clock next to my bed and saw it was only 3:00. I made my way downstairs and to the kitchen.

I made myself a sandwich and ate it while getting the cardboard box and construction paper.


I heard the doorbell ring and I ran to get it not wanting my mom or Riley to answer it. I open the door after straightening my hair.

Honestly I don't know why I'm trying to look good. It's Gillian... I didn't have feelings for her... I don't think... No!... I don't.

I opened the door after a sigh and smiled at Gillian. She turned and waved to a black car that drove off.

"Hey." Gillian said.

"Hi. Uh... Come in." I said awkwardly allowing Gillian to come into my house.

I closed the door and guided Gillian to the living room.

"So... How are we supposed to do this?" I asked. We were both sitting on the couch and my mom had brought us lemonade.

"I got Kaitlyn to draw a couple pictures of what the model could look like. I have three different ones incase you don't like one. We can just choose which one we like better." Gillian say laying the three impressive drawings on the table.

I looked at Gillian and at her beautiful eyes.


These next couple of hours are going to be interesting...

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