The talk

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Eve finally picked up the phone "hello mum hi dad" says eve with the bigs cutest smile you have and will ever see "hey sweetie what's happening at school and how are nan and pop" mum said  "not much well pops dead he said he can live with out his medication and 2 minutes later he started to have a Hart attack and nan and I did nothing about it we just watched him die and he's still on the floor dead it's been 3 hours since he died and still not picked up" said eve wile dad is scared "and l school was great you know that kid james that I always talk about well I kinda blew him off got show and tell also for art I drew his mad pee pee when I showed my teacher she got  very wet after that she got fired for getting wet from a students drawing and also I'm pregnant" "HOW YOUR ONLY THREE"  "well the bird was three and the bee was twenty so ya talk to you guys when you get back home see ya" said eve strait before ending the call.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2019 ⏰

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