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I jerked the steering wheel of the car sharply to the left to avoid colliding with the black car that had just swerved suddenly into the lane, inches in front of me. The front wheels glanced off of the concrete divider of the highway, keeping the lanes going east and the lanes going west separated by the barrier. I felt the car spin out of control, and the black car, now behind me, crashed into the car before my car flipped over, and over, and over... then everything stopped.

I felt a searing heat and pain, and saw a reddish-orange and yellow glow coming from the car, and... heat. But I couldn't think of what would cause that. My mind was working so slowly... and I couldn't move. Flashing red and blue lights joined the glow surrounding me, and I heard a high pitched wailing getting louder and louder, several voices shouting...

and then...

Everything went...

Black and silent...

As I sunk into the darkness of oblivion.

StormbringerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя