Chapter 11

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You know that feeling when its the weekend, and you're consume by sleep, but your mom doesn't acts like a normal human being and let's you sleep, no! She has to draw the curtains and blind you with the sunlight.

Well that's exactly what I'm experiencing, only I'm coming out of a coma and being blinded by hospital lights, why must they be so bright?! Wait! Hold up! Hospital?!. I did a double check,

white walls? Check!

Extremely bright lights ? Check!

Medical equipments? check!

Yep I'm in a hospital, at least they were kind enough to bring me to a hospital, maybe this is my chance to escape and get to my sister, maybe if I tell the doctors that the people who brought me here are torturing me and they'll call the police. On that final thought a female doctor came in, yes this is my chance.

"Well good morning miss McDonald, finally awake I see"

"Hel-p" I croaked, damn that sure hurt.

"Oh don't speak as yet, you've been in a coma for sometime, two weeks actually, and being immobile so long does have its toll."

"Now here's some water, drink everything."

I took the cup and out of pure instinct smelled it and checked for anything out of the ordinary, having seen nor smelled nothing, I franked cautiously.

"Miss you got to help me, these-"

"As much as I'd love to stand here and listen to the lovely tale you're gonna tell, well I just simply have no time."

I looked towards the door and sank myself further into the bed, I even went as much as gripping the bed edges. Before me stood the very first person I met when I was taken, the first person to deliver the first harsh blows while I was in the dungeon, I'm guessing.

What was his name again? Um, um, um.

"Dante sir, the patient has just awoken, before releasing her we would have to run some more tests just to see if everything's OK"

Dante stood before me in all his evil glory just always staring, it's like he's trying to crush my soul with one look, he looks the same as before, if I'm remembering correctly except the beard is new and his face just seems more sinister.

"You only get today we don't want to keep the boss's toy from him any longer."

"Yes sir, we'll get started right away."

Boss? I wonder who's he, I wonder if he's different, pfftt yeah right, he's probably worst. Looking around, I saw that the doctor has left the room leaving me with......I gulped , please god, please let he be gone also.

"Long time no see pet, did you miss me?" He said in his Italian accent with a crooked smile.

I didn't answer because what could you say to a psychopath?

"You know its rude to not answer someone when they ask you a question" he said taking speedy steps towards me.

Upon reaching the top of the bed he gripped my hair and roughly bend back my head so I was looking up in his face.

"Speak bitch , because it seem to me like you had a lot to say not long ago, but it's best you forget any plan you thought you had because my boss owns this hospital and now you, so there's no one here to help you."

I started crying, no! No! No! How will I get away now, how will I find my sister.

"Hmmm, oh baby this hopeless look you have going on is such a turn on", he lifted my hand and placed it on his bulge.

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