Chapter 1

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3rd POV

After returning home from an "explosive" night. Eric and Sam sneaked in through the second floor window and into their beds. Eric rolled into his while Sam parkour into his. Just when they were about to go to la la land, the lights turned on and...came mama and papa bear. Oh shit. They had their serious face while Eric and Sam just sat there looking like a baby that got caught by their parent with their hand inside a cookie jar. Walter was the first to speak up.

Walter: So? Is there a reason why you finished up so late?

Eric: Its not that late.

Julie: Two thirty in the morning is not late?

Eric went silent after that, knowing that  if he continue to talk back then he is going to have whole lot of verbal burns tonight. Sam just looked at his brother and let out a tired sigh. Mostly due to the restless sleep they've been getting for months now.

Sam: Um, actually, we were late because the....job took a lot longer than it should've been.

Walter: Were there any casualties?

Julie: What caused you to mess up?

Sam: Eric was busy eyeing a few girls in a bar whereas I had to bribe the bartender for information.

Eric just shrugged with his ten thousand watt smile. Even at two thirty in the morning Eric is still energetic.

Eric: Its called multitasking. I still got the information we needed.

Sam: Of what? Getting her number?

Eric smirked widely at his brother's predicament. He dugged into his breast pockets and pulled out a note and showed his brother and uncle Walter and Aunt Julie his achievement.

Eric: Why yes I did. And I gotta say her lips taste like strawberry.

Eric finished daydreaming about him and the girl when he noticed Sam and his uncle and aunt look at him disapprovingly.

Eric: What?

Julie: Did you used magic on her?

Eric: What! No way! This face here, ain't got nothing to do with magic. It's all part of my natural good looks.

Walter massaged his temples, clearly annoyed by the amount of noise Eric was making.

Walter: Just answer the dame question Eric!!

Eric: Sheesh. Calm down uncle Ben or else you're getting a bullet to your heart faster than the attack can join hands with heart.

Walter ran across the room and grabbed Eric by the neck and threw him to a wall. For some reason it didn't break apart. Julie in the background had her hand stretched forward while her hand emitted a grayish blue light. Without taking his eyes off Eric, Walter thanked his wife.

Walter: Thanks honey.

Julie: Your welcome sweetie. And Sam.

Sam: Yes Ma'am!

Julie: Go help your brother up. We need to discuss something important.

Sam: Ok aunt Julie.

Julie: Come on Walter. Leave them be.

Walter wanted to protest but one look from Julie was enough to sent shivers up both Walter's and Sam's spine. They left the room but not without Walter mumbling about how Eric should just join the circus with the attitude he has. Once they closed the door behind them Sam went to inspect if his brother is still alive. He poked him a few times with a stick and his only respond was a flinch.

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