How My Phil. Class Fucking Rekt My Brain Ft. Ms. Céline Dion and Mr. Deadpool

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Now, hear me out. This may seem like a weird ass combo, but I'm totally Sirius*. You might be thinking....

Okay... Philosophy, I get. But Mr. Deadpool and Ms. Celine Dion? This bitch* is crae. Whelp, yeah. I'm crazy as fuck*! XD. However, this may not be the point I'm trying to make. My Philosophy class in my college program has me thinking. We were talking—they were talking, I was listening—about Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato. Mostly what Plato wrote about Socrates. These three people are generally thought to be the first Philosophers around (though this would prove wrong, apparently. I was genuinely surprised).

Anyway, the discussion revolved around Happiness, Virtue, Life and Death, and Religion [God(s)/Goddess(es)]. What I focused on was Happiness, Virtue and Life and Death. This coupled with the fact I listened to Ms. Céline Dion sing Ashes* from the Deadpool 2* Soundtrack on repeat for an hour got me thinking. I do Soul searches without such influences, but I have been inspired... (?)* to write/type about them.

Most people tend to agree that Ms. Céline Dion's greatest hit is My Heart Will Go On*  from Mr. James Cameron's Titanic* Soundtrack, and until today, I agreed with them myself. The symbolism and emotion from Ashes* has deep personal meaning to me. In my mind, it is on par with Ms. Whitney Houston's I Will Always Love You* from The Bodyguard Soundtrack (and a cover of Ms. Dolly Parton's actual version) and soars past My Heart Will Go On* (though I could be jaded about it. I've heard that song since I was 5) in pure breaking down of my psyche (in a good way).

 I've heard that song since I was 5) in pure breaking down of my psyche (in a good way)

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But wait! There's more! Where does Mr. Deadpool come in?! That's the reason I'm reading this nonsensical piece of shite from a freak that is basically talking to themselves!

I'll type it to ya (big old meanie)! :P

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I'll type it to ya (big old meanie)! :P. I watched both Deadpool movies and besides his (and Ryan Reynolds amazing) hilarity, in the second movie, he's having a sort of... existential/emotional crisis (I hope I didn't SPOIL* it for anyone who has yet to see it ☹). I couldn't help but feel and relate to/for him. The typings of the rest of this "book" just so happens to be me trying to sort my thoughts and jot them down so it's not so crowded in my head. Sometimes I have a hard time speaking or writing about what is in it. It's so jumbled and foggy.

***** My apologies for my potty mouth but saying the cuss words are just too fun and is a good way for me release my energy. They in no way are meant in a harmful or demeaning way.

***** All movies in this have good and bad qualities. They were used for funny references or for meaningful and thought-provoking flair.

***** All musicians/artists in this have good and bad qualities. They were used for funny references or for meaningful and thought-provoking flair.

***** The question mark behind "inspired" is to clarify that I was actually crying and needed to jot down my thoughts so I wouldn't break in my next class and be deemed childish, emotional, or crazy (which is secret, but not really).

***** Most things in Italics are put in Italics with an * to the side to say that NONE of the things I referenced were made or owned by me. They were made by people with talent.

***** I hope you all are having a good day and are doing okay. Keep in mind that some of the writings in this "book" (should I call it that? *shrugs with weird facial expression*) are made with some... "Dark" thoughts (not as dark as one would think) and will be less funny than this entry.

***** Fair warning: I will attempt to do my best not to SPOIL movies or TV shows in my references or occasional and brief explanations.

***** I do NOT own the cover of this "book" or any of the photos or Fan Art included! I found the Fan Art of Google (Images) and the link says it was made by maryluellyn on WordPress (

***** Also, I LoVe Negasonic Teenage Warhead!! (from the Deadpool series/movies) and Cats/Kittehs! :D     P.S. I will update soon!

Thank You 😊
Kareeza Dawn (theHatter)

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