Calm Before the Storm

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"Well that was nice." Finn said looking at Joelle.

"It was." She nodded in response. "Where to next then?"

"To the park. First I need to make a quick stop at the gas station before we get there. Something for the surprise later."

"Ooh color me intrigued." She said her smile widening. He led her to the gas station. " We not taking the car?"

"Nah, it's nice out tonight, figured it'd be good time for a walk."

"It is a nice night out" She agreed as she looked up at the sky for a second before locking her arm around his, holding his hand, leaning her head against his shoulder as they walked. After a few minutes they made it to the gas station.

"Alright seeing as how this is meant to be a surprise I want you to wait out here for a few minutes while I go in and grab what I need. That cool?" He asked looking at her.

"Yeah that's fine. Don't take too long though." She nodded.

"Of course not." He said kissing her before walking into the gas station. "Huh, lot of people here today..." He said to himself as he looked at the three people lined up at the register and the four others scattered throughout the store, as well as the one worker behind the counter. He walked towards the back of the store and walked into the "Booze Cave" where they kept all of the alcohol in the store. It took him a minute but he found what he was looking for. He grabbed the bottle and looked at the label. "Traveler's Exotic Wine" He said to himself aloud. He had got lucky that the bottle was actually there. He looked at where he grabbed it. He grabbed the last one. The one that was likely the last one that would show up here for a long time. The Traveler's don't usually sell their wares to other people who are known to sell things, such as stores etc. Finn smiled a little bit sliding his hand into his left pocket rubbing the small box hidden inside with his thumb. He walked out to the counter behind a person with bright orange hair, though he was wearing a hat that covered most of his hair there was still a decent amount of hair that was in view popping out from the bottom of the hat. Finn was entranced by the color of the guys hair for a few seconds because of the colors intensity. He almost didn't notice when the guy turned from the counter and noticed Finn looking at him.

"Mind not staring shithead?" Finn shook his head slightly snapping back into reality.


"Yeah that's what I fucking thought." The guy said as he walked out the door. Finn watched him through the glass of the doors. Finn watched the guy start walking across the street before looking to the left and quickly start walking that direction rather than across the street. Finn tilted his head slightly before shrugging it off and stepped up to the counter to pay for the bottle of wine.

"These've been selling like crazy. We just got like 100 units of these just a few hours ago."

"Yeah, i'd imagine not very often these come into storefronts like this, And people are too lazy to look for the Traveler's themselves." Finn said chuckling.

"Eh I think it's mostly just that it's too damn hard to find them normally than anything else really. Can I see an I.D. real quick?" Finn grabbed his wallet out of his back pocket and grabbed his I.D. out of it.

"Either or I suppose, really. I mean the government is having a hell of a time trying to find them, and they have state of the art tech." The cashier looked at Finn's I.D. for a few seconds before handing it back to him with his change.

"Guess that just goes to prove that being protected by a god is stronger than even military tech."

"Guess so." Finn agreed as he grabbed the bag the wine was put in and stuck his I.D. into his wallet.

"Have a good night."

"Yup, you too." Finn nodded as he walked to the doors wrapping the bag around the bottle and stuck it into his sweater pocket and nothing in the world could've helped him prepare for what was going to happen within the next several hours.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2019 ⏰

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