The Corner

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Tearing, ripping, screaming,

Dark corners and bloody tears,

The faces and the gashing,

Waves of black fears,

Lashing, gnashing, crashing.

Mum behind the doors of denial,

Brother in the darkness unseen,

Father sinking lower than the rock bottom.

All those near they cannot hear, choose not to hear,

As the ones with red eyes leer, claws ready for flash to sear,

'shush child, say not a word, have no fear'

Mothers feet iced to the floor of dark oils,

Brothers eyes nailed to the walls,

The currents are growing, the walls are being torn apart, windows smash,

All of it covered by not but crimson ribbons tinted black.

'stand right there child, give me your hands'

Oh how his hands burnt mine, how the flash of my hands melted away,

Somehow, my voice ran away, it chose to die and leave my soul without a noise.

Somewhere I think I got lost,

'do you feel your soul, child?'

Was the beast speaking of what I was missing, what others have?

Is mine such a cold and empty shell of blue, a ghost?

'It's too late, it has left you'

Left me?

So I used to have one then...

Do I still have it and it is simply empty? Or is it too, lost?

'don't be so dramatic'


How are parents supposed to be?

How do I live AND have no fear?

Where has the innocence gone?

Why do your claws leave scars so deep?

We enjoy this pain,

The entire game,

It's agonizing, this life,

Seems so plain,

Left with nothing to claim,

Nothing but feathers built on shame.

All I can feel is the chill of this knife.

I get no redo, no chance to feel what I should have,

A hole forever empty,

How do I fill it?

I try a cork but the pressure pops it off too fast,

Leaving it is having to fight the pull of a black hole endlessly.

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