Do We Cut Holes For Our Eyes

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You leave us home alone

You never stay here long

Hit and run

Do you find the game that fun

You lead mother on a leash away every day

The kitchen is always empty

We eat the leftovers you might bring for us

It's a little shitty

But I promise


I can and I will feed you,

I will take you with me when I leave

Yes, brother, it will hurt like hell,

But do you want to stay in this shell?

I will pull you out

Away from the screams and shouts,

Our story is one

Sad and lame

Not an award we've won for strength or pain

You need not feel this shame

Let's go, away, far away

To a new atmosphere

Where the air is fresh

Anywhere is better than staying right here.

In this cycle of fear, let's go to where the skies are clear.

Freedom is so near you can feel it

Reach out and grasp it for all you're worth

Father admits to sinking and mother's tears are drowning him too

I don't know where I'm going

But I can take better care of you

You are good at hiding what you are feeling

I can't leave you here brother

What kind of sister would I be

I know what you say about me

behind my back

but at least let me give you a chance

Let me pick up their slack

Who would want this who would ask for this

Ignorance is bliss

But smells like piss

You see how I've treated you well

After you struck me with a rod and put fists in my body

You remember those times I thought I would die to save your life

Don't let it drown you too

I saved you from that knife

I saved a pet more times than a few

They are my children you are my brother

We are children with a wild father

But he can't climb so let's fly

Here above in the leaves, we've always seen but never touched.

Down here they are always red and already dead

Here is always Fall there it's always Spring

I will teach and show you how to climb

It's time to feel the sun's shine

Time to actually be fine.

Leaving mom down there

It will feel unfair

But we can't help those in the same cell

They were here before but they fell

We need to give them a glance

Of light, they lost.

They are under too thick a frost.

No one saved me but I can save you, leave me to help them later

I'm older

It's my wreck to fix.

Stop stop stop

Stop crying screaming yelling hitting fighting

shut up go to bed


Children settle down, go to bed

Have your fears been fed yet?

You tear and rip away our ears

We are all bloody behind the wall,

They shine on one side

But are stained which is why we are kept in a shadow

So no one sees the blood

We just radiate love

Smiles so clean and manners so crisp

Come come

See our family photos but don't ask what happened that day

It would force you away

This grave is so cold and the waters are so cold and the faces are so cold

Our souls and spirits have already begun to decay before we hit the coffin

No tears to cry

Where is our dad

The one not bent on alcohol

The one not dying of too much ethanol?

You will ask so many things

But I can't answer them, we will search for answers together around us.

Falling apart

Sewn together

In the woods lost

on purpose

Crawl from the pool of acid

What was the cost

What a loss

Our faces forever placid

Our skin scarred and seared

For everyone to see

We cover ourself in bodysuits and put clothes on top

Do we cut holes for our eyes?

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